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But his mother cut him short with the indignant remark "Hoot, what's she? Naething to you or ony o' 's! Lat her sit up for ye, gien she likes! Lat her sit, I say, and never waste thoucht upo' the queyn!" James had not a word to answer. Greatly as he shrank from the ordeal, he must encounter it without show of reluctance! He dared not even propose to sit in the kitchen and smoke.

"Gien I hae made a mistak, my leddy, I micht weel mak it, no bein' a gentleman, and no bein' used to the traitment o' ane. But I doobt gien a gentleman wad ha' surmised what ye was efter wi' yer nepkin', gien ye had offert him half a croon first." "Oh, yes, he would perfectly!" said Florimel with an air of offence.

In 1428, he fell sick, and, the end being in sight, he ordered his advisers to consult about his successor. Some advocated the appointment of his kinsman, Mochiuji, governor-general of the Kwanto, and Mochiuji himself prayed that it should be so. But the choice ultimately fell on Yoshimochi's younger brother, Gien, who had embraced religion and was then serving as abbot of the temple Shoren-in.

"How much of the story may be your own invention now?" said the marquis. "Ow, nae that muckle, my lord; jist a feow extras an' partic'lars 'at micht weel hae been, wi' an adjective, or an adverb, or sic like, here an' there. I made ae mistak' though; gien 't was you hole yonner, they bude till hae gane doon an' no up the stair to their chaumer."

Gien it gaedna ower weel wi' her i' the auld man's time, it gangs waur wi' her noo; for sae lang as he was abune the yird there was aye somebody to ken whether she was livin' or deid. To see a bonnie lass like her strayin' aboot the place nae better companied nor wi' an auld buik it's jist eneuch to brak a man's hert, but that age kills rage." "Do the neighbours take no notice of her?"

'I'd like to see the man that could mak me believe he'd gien me security for his overdraft when he hadna, interrupted his companion satirically. 'I think I hae heard o' the thing haein' been accomplished, natheless, returned the Minister with a twinkle in his eye. 'Man! acknowledged the banker with a smile, 'but ye're gleg.

What wad this life be worth gien a' was to be peyed for? I wad cut my throat afore I wad bide in sic a warl'. Tak yer half croon, my leddy," he concluded, in a tone of entreaty. But the energetic outburst was sufficing, in such her mood, only to the disgust of Lady Florimel. "Do anything with the money you please; only go away, and don't plague me about it," she said freezingly.

An' mony's the puir body, baith gentle and simple, that I've gien food an' shelter to whae was very likely to hae perished o' cauld an' hunger, but for the hidy-hole. Among ithers I've often had the persecuited ministers doon there, readin' their Bibles or sleepin' as comfortable as ye like when the dragoons was drinkin', roarin', an' singin' like deevils ower their heids.

"'I was looking, Mr Cupples, said she, 'for some book to help me to learn Gaelic. I want very much to read Gaelic. "'Weel, mem, said I, 'gin it had been ony o' the Romance languages, or ony ane o' the Teutonic breed, I micht hae gien ye a lift.

Maybe I was a bit ower happy for ony tune i' the tune-buiks, an' bude to hae ane 'at cam o' 'tsel'!" "An' what wad mak ye sae happy gien a body micht speir?" asked Elspeth, peeping from under long lashes, with a shy, half frightened, sidelong glance at the youth.