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Sir Ulick had a banker and a broker in London, on whom he could depend, and he had, from his place and connexions, means of obtaining good information in public affairs; he had made a great deal himself by speculations in the funds, and he could buy in and sell out to great advantage, he said, for Ormond. But for this purpose a power of attorney was necessary to be given by Ormond to Sir Ulick.

After the court attendant had uttered more unintelligible words, every one sat down; and the financier again moved hurriedly to the rail. "I would like to speak to him now before he begins," he whispered. "I can't wait." Mr. Andrews stared in amazement. The banker had not believed the young man could look so serious. "Speak to him, NOW!" exclaimed the district attorney.

Mr. Hamilton of the Hamilton Block I know, and Mr. Dorsheimer of the Metropolitan Hotel. I am also acquainted with Andrew Richardson, banker, and with John Y. Martindale, M.C." "Those references are sufficient," Susan said, her confidence restored. "I will make inquiries, and if everything is right, as I have no doubt it is, you can have the house if you should find that it suits you.

"The devil he did!" exclaimed the banker, as he hung up the receiver. Then, he leaned back in his chair and smoked hard for a moment, with the nearest approach to a frown that had appeared on his face during all that exciting afternoon; and he did another thing unusual with him: he spoke aloud his thoughts, with no one but himself for listener.

I was really awfully badgered." "Yes; but you know what a man my father is. He hasn't the squire's philosophy in those affairs." "'Pon my soul, Mr. Ned, I never guessed it before; but I rather fancy you got clear with Sir Billy the banker by washing in my basin eh, did you?" Edward looked straight at his cousin, saying, "You deserved worse than that. You were treacherous.

To serve him was looked upon as a precious privilege. And now almost every mother of a big family, bound for England and freedom, carried around her ample waist a belt of gold. As soon as she and her brood reached London, it was to be given to Nathan Rothschild, the son of Mayer Rothschild, who was now established as a banker in London.

There is needed some State or quasi-public organisation which shall stand between the man and the employer, act as his banker and guarantor, and exact his proper price. Then, with his toil over, he would have an adequate pension and be free to do nothing or anything else as he chose.

Grattan, no longer indebted for a seat to an English patron, however liberal, was returned at the head of the poll for the city of Dublin. His associate, however, the banker, La Touche, was defeated; the second member elect being Mr. Robert Shaw, the Orange candidate.

After reading a detailed account of events entirely uninteresting to him, Louis came to the following passage relating to Valentine: "Mlle. de la Verberie's husband is an eminent banker named Andre Fauvel. I have not the honor of his acquaintance, but I intend going to see him shortly. I am anxious to submit to him a project that I have conceived for the benefit of this part of the country.

His face expressed only one emotion, great astonishment. And as his cousin watched, that expression slowly changed to bewilderment and dawning doubt. "Well, how about it?" queried Cabot. "Are you in love with her, Loosh?" Galusha's mouth opened. "Why good gracious!" he gasped. "Dear me ah Why why, I don't know." The banker had expected almost any sort of reply, except that.