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Soon after he pleaded the weariness of his journey and retired. As he was about to mount the stairs Lottie whirled by and whispered, "Don't think me past praying for." The slang she used in jest came to him, with his tendencies and convictions, like an unconscious appeal and a divine suggestion.

Another Instance of the Extravagance of her Passion was this: You must know, that during the Course of our mutual Love and Tenderness, some envious female Sprite whispered in her Ear, that I had at that very time a Bastard, and was obliged to maintain both Mother and Child.

A moment later Olson returned, and the girl followed him. "Quick!" I whispered to the big Irishman, and made for the bow compartment where the torpedo-tubes are built into the boat; here, too, were the torpedoes.

"But you are unusually thoughtful to-day, Natalie," said Winnie, running her taper fingers through the sunny tresses of her friend, "did I not know it were an impossibility, I should say you had lost your best friend;" and putting her dimpled mouth close to her ear, she whispered some mysterious words so softly, so very softly, that were we disposed to turn listener, we could only have distinguished that one word, "Delwood;" but we might have seen the delicate tinge of pink, which, tell-tale like, overspread the face and neck of the Sea-flower.

"I'd rather stay out here with you," said Ellen. Abby looked at her again. "There is something the matter, Ellen Brewster," said she; "you can't cheat me. You would never have run over here this way in the world. What has happened?" "Let's go up to your room after the dishes are done, and then I'll tell you," whispered Ellen.

This last came gradually to Aunt Betsy as she thought the matter over, and remembered Wilford as he had appeared each time he came to Silverton. "I ain't like him; I ain't like this Miss Banker; I ain't like anybody," she whispered.

Timar was obliged to take the girl's hand, in order to draw it away from her breast: the hand made no smallest resistance; it was stiff and cold, as cold as the whole form beautiful and icy as marble. The shadows whispered "Behold this exquisite form! a lovelier has never been touched by mortal lips; no one would know if you kissed her."

"I'll go, Dan," she whispered, "and you stay here till I get back. I'll bring Murfree to you, for he might not pay any attention to me. Nobody'll notice you if you keep this big chair before you. Just squat down on that round footstool thing in the corner. I'll be back in a minute." Dan squatted, nodding meekly.

She managed to hide him amongst the flags of the big ship, which were all snugly stowed away, and on and on they sped towards the north. At length one night she whispered in his ear, "Come on deck, Diamond;" and he got up at once and crept on deck. Everything looked very strange.

"Even now that I know what it is it makes me creep," she whispered, as the faint clanking of a distant chain came to their ears. "We ought to be used to it by this time, Miss Prim," said Bridge. "We heard it all last night and a good part of to-day."