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"Yes, oh, yes!" cried Nancy Ellen. "Well, nothing goes on guess-work. I'll hear him say it, myself," said Kate. She climbed from the buggy. Nancy Ellen caught her arm. "Don't go in there! Don't you go there," she cried. "He'll throw the first thing he can pick up at you. Mother says he hasn't been asleep all night." "Pooh!" said Kate. "How childish!

And as Ellen watched, hands pressed to her breast, feeling incalculable relief in sight of this tempest and gulf that resembled her soul, the sun burst out from behind the long bank of purple cloud in the west and flooded the world there with golden lightning. "It is for me!" cried Ellen. "My mind my heart my very soul.... Oh, I know! I know now! ... I love him love him love him!"

"'Miss Ellen, again cried Lucy, 'you have a son; speak to me, my darling; but, like Rachel of old, she could not be thus revived, 'her soul was in departing. "Lucy bore away the child from the chamber of death, and I closed her white eyelids, and laid her hands upon her breast. Beautiful was she in death: she had done with pain and tears forever.

Ellen had risen, for she felt she could not hear those sad words again spoken. It was James the footman who entered, and he placed a letter in her hand. She looked at the direction, a faint cry broke from her lips; she tore it open, gazed on the signature, and sunk senseless on the floor.

"When I thought on these things, I came close up to you; but my heart beat so quick, I could not speak, or else I had a guinea in my hand, the last my dear mamma gave me, and I wished very much to give you that; but then the memory of my foolish pride, the last time, came again into my mind I became ashamed, and determined in all things to be guided by Ellen, who is almost a year older than I, and a great deal better."

Meanwhile Ellen wanted to know what chocolate was made of where it came from where it was made best burning her little face in the fire all the time, lest the pot should boil over while she was not looking. At last the chocolate began to gather a rich froth, and Ellen called out "Oh, Alice! look here quick! here's the shape of the spoon on the top of the chocolate! do look at it."

"My dear, dear Ellen, pardon my dulness, and accept my sincerest congratulations. May Heaven bless you, and him you prefer, and make you both as happy as you deserve to be!" "So, so!" cried Mr. Harewood; "if we had never come up stairs, this mighty secret, which, for my part, I told an hour ago down stairs, would never have been revealed.

Shepherd went away grumbling, instead of being thankful for the beautiful crop of hay, safely housed, before the thunder shower which had saved the turnips from the fly. Ellen might have doubted whether she had done right in helping to give the boy a bad name, but just then in came the ostler from the Tankard with some letters.

It must be fine to lie on one's belly here, in the midst of one's own family circle, eating hard-boiled eggs and bread-and- butter or to go running about with Young Lasse on his shoulders! But what did it profit a man to put his trust in anything? He could not begin over again with Ellen; the impossible stood between them.

"It'll make a lot of litter," said her mother, but she brought the needle, for something to do. "Hey, king and country," said her father; "I'd ought to have somebody here to shell it for me." "Who you trimming up a tree for?" her mother demanded; "I thought they wasn't to be any in town this year." "It ain't Christmas yet," Ellen said only. "I guess it won't do any hurt two days before."