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This new social elevation of the smaller lad probably seemed revolutionary to him. "Huh!" said Jimmie, with deep scorn. "Dassent I? Dassent I, hey? Dassent I?" The group was immensely excited. It turned its eyes upon the boy that Jimmie addressed. "No, you dassent," he said, stolidly, facing a moral defeat. He could see that Jimmie was resolved. "No, you dassent," he repeated, doggedly.

"Oho, that brought you out of it hey, you sniveling this-and-that!" hailed Fitzgibbon. He lifted his aim from Lindquist, and brought the weapon to bear upon Holy Joe. "Step aft, here, you swab, or I'll drill you through, s'help me!" The words brought a menacing growl from the squareheads; there was a stir among them, and they seemed about to fling themselves upon the trio.

"Hey! bourgeois, may I offer you a glass of Alicante and some cheese-cakes?" said Georges to the count. "Thank you," replied the latter. "I never leave home without taking my cup of coffee and cream." "Don't you eat anything between meals? How bourgeois, Marais, Place Royale, that is!" cried Georges.

Never did the old familiar yell of "Hey, Rube!" appeal more positively to canvasmen connected with a traveling circus, when set upon by rowdies in some wayside town, than did this shout. Ralph had no time for more. From three sides he found himself attacked by unknown foes.

Towards ten o'clock it is so dark that you can't see an inch before your nose. I lighted a couple of dozen matches before, almost groping, I found my way to the gate. "'Cab! I shouted, going out of the gate; not a sound, not a sigh in answer. . . . 'Cab, I repeated, 'hey, Cab! "But there was no cab of any description. The silence of the grave.

As for Mr. and Mrs. Jerry, they were so proud of their wonderful kid, who could swear in English as good as a real American, that they were in the seventh heaven. When the meal was over, Hal leaned back and exclaimed, just as he had at the Rafferties', "Lord, how I wish I could board here!" He saw his host look at his wife. "All right," said he. "You come here. I board you. Hey, Rosa?"

So he kept on, and all of a sudden when he was walking past a prickly briar bush, he heard a voice calling: "Hey, Uncle Wiggily, come on in here." "Ha! Who are you, and why do you want me to come in there?" asked the old gentleman rabbit. "Oh, I am a friend of yours," was the answer, "and I will give you a lot of money if you come in here."

"Hey, wait a minute!" shouted Tom. "Astro, remember the time we were on the ground crew as extra duty and we had to overhaul the Polaris?" "Yeah, why?" "There was one place you couldn't go. You were too big, so I went in, remember?" "Yeah, the space between the rocket tubes and the hull of the ship. It was when we were putting in the new tube. So what?" "So this!" said Tom.

Not that I'll forget my duty? no, I'll help you catch the Englishman; but when that is done, hey! for Katherine Plowden and my true love!" "Hush, madcap! the wardroom holds long ears, and our bulkheads grow thin by wear. I must keep you and myself to our duty. This is no children's game that we play; it seems the commissioners at Paris have thought proper to employ a frigate in the sport."

"He did, hey! Well, I had some there, too, and so did Perez. Precious few fam'lies on the Cape that didn't." "Yes, he thought 'twas the safest and best place he knew of. The officers bein' sons of Cape people and their fathers such fine men, everybody said 'twas all right. I got my dividends reg'lar for a while, and I went out nussin' and did sewin' and got along reel well.