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And when Mother Goose heard about it she said it was a fine trick, and that Uncle Wiggily was very good to think of it. Then the bunny uncle took Susie's mended doll to her, and the next day Tommie's cold was all better and he could sing for his supper himself, just as the book tells about.

But when he looked around he could see no one, and then he knew it was Tommie's kite, flying up in the air, that was doing the pulling. The wind was blowing hard now, and as Uncle Wiggily had the kite string wound around his paws, of course he was pulled almost off his feet. "Ha! That kite is a great puller!" said the bunny uncle. "I must look out or it might pull me up to the clouds.

"Well, give her my love," said Nurse Jane, and Uncle Wiggily promised that he would. A little later he started off across the fields and through the woods to the place where Mother Goose lived, not far from his own hollow-stump bungalow. Uncle Wiggily had on his fur overcoat, for it was cold.

But, mind you, they didn't really mean anything bad, only, perhaps, they thought Uncle Wiggily was a savage fox, or a little white bear. "Oh, boys, I'm sorry!" said the old gentleman rabbit as soon as he could dig the mud out of his mouth. "What made you do it?" asked the biggest hedgehog boy, wiping some mud out of his eye.

"Oh, you are very kind," said Mrs. Cat, as she wiped away her tears. Well, the next morning Uncle Wiggily got up real early, and the first thing he saw was the bowl of water lilies on the parlor table. They had all closed up like buds in the night, but in the sunlight they all opened again into beautiful flowers.

"I will build a camp fire and we can stay here all night. I will cook some supper and in the morning I will take you home." Then the pussy wasn't afraid any more. She helped the rabbit to gather up some dry leaves and little sticks, and also some big sticks, and soon Uncle Wiggily had a fine fire merrily blazing away in the woods, and it was nice and light.

Skimmer, you and Dartie go on ahead, and get something ready to eat, and I'll show Uncle Wiggily the way." So Flitter and Flutter, the two boy birds, flew away with the satchel, and Skimmer and Dartie, the girl birds, flew on ahead to set the table, and put on the teakettle on the stove to boil, and Mrs. Cat-Bird flew slowly on over Uncle Wiggily, to show him the way.

I'll dig up a bunch of you violets, who want a change, and take you with me for a walk. I will leave some earth on your roots so you won't die, and we shall see what happens." "Oh, goodie!" cried the violets. So Uncle Wiggily dug them up with his paws, putting some cool moss around their roots, and when they had said good-by to the mother violet away they went traveling with the bunny uncle.

Then I came here, and built this shingle house and every day I amuse myself by playing tunes, and I never have to climb up the rainwater pipe to get money. Oh, it is a happy life," and the monkey felt so funny that he hung by his tail from a tree branch, and made faces at Uncle Wiggily just in fun, you understand.

"These jam tarts I baked for Billie and Nannie Wagtail, the goat children," said Nurse Jane. "Will you take them with you when you go out for a walk, Uncle Wiggily, and leave them at the goat house?" "I most certainly will," said the rabbit gentleman, very politely. "Is there anything else I can do for you, Nurse Jane?"