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Stella struggled with many emotions during this speech, and then she said in a subdued voice, 'Pray, keep it, and turned to leave the room. 'And may we consider your resignation withdrawn? he asked.

He forgot his aspirations toward a broader world, and felt that, not only would it be a sort of unfaithfulness to leave Zion Place, but that to do so, and to break up this familiar harmony of home, this little cosmos of friendly furniture in accustomed relations, pictures hung so from time immemorial, rooms dedicated to this use and no other, would be to destroy the one mirror from which could come to him still glimpses of Jenny's living face.

Calicut, he says, was ruined in consequence of its wars with the Portuguese. Varthema saw forty-eight Portuguese traders massacred at Calicut by the "Moors," and in consequence of the dangerous state of things existing there he left the city and pursued his journey southwards round the coast. Here we may leave him.

"I don't KNOW what I'm going to do, I tell you. I live for the moment. To-morrow we are going out into the country." "I don't understand," said Benham with a gesture of resignation. "It seems to me that if a man and woman love each other well, they insist upon each other. What is to happen to her if you leave her in Moscow?" "Damnation! Is there any need to ask that?" "Take her to Cambridge, man.

I have had two letters from New York, one from Mr. Sewall, and the other from Mr. Ware, which are so pressing as really to give me some trouble. Do say something to me on this subject, if you have anything to say. There certainly are many reasons, and strong as numerous, why I should not at present leave New Bedford,-why I should not take such a post.

It is, indeed, incredible that so little is known, outside the State of Atlantic, of the experiment I mean the achievement of the last eight years. Were Selina Whiston living, I should leave the task to her pen; she never recovered from the shock and mortification of her experiences in the State Legislature, in '64 but I will not anticipate the history.

Take one day; share it into sections; to each section apportion its task: leave no stray unemployed quarters of an hour, ten minutes, five minutes include all; do each piece of business in its turn with method, with rigid regularity.

She knew that this dread something had intervened between her and him when he took leave of her before others so many months ago; that this dread something still continued what was it? She was certain that it would vanish, could they but once meet again and not before others. Oh for such a meeting! She could not herself destroy hope. She could not marry another.

It was the same day in which he wrote this confession and pleaded his cause that we accompany him to the house of his sweet mistress, and leave him by her side, in the accustomed garden.

"I shall acquaint the bishop with the fact when I tell him that I have ordered you to leave for your estate at Steyning, and that if his page denies it, I have witnesses to prove the truth of your assertions.