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"'My dear young friend, says this ground squirrel of a Ricks, standing on his hind legs and juggling nuts in his paws, 'I have friends in Denver who would assist me. If I had a hundred dollars I "Basset unpins a package of the currency and throws five twenties to Ricks. "'Trade, how much? he says to me.

All he did was to growl and show his teeth, as if he longed to have us all within his paws. This made us bolder and less cautious, so we got close up to him. "We are still too far for me to heave the bight over his shoulders," cried Terence. "Just see if you can't get hold of his dinner with the boat-hook, and that will bring him nearer."

Jacob Welse picked out the leaders as the more intelligent, and with grub-packs on them drove them out from the bank. They could not grasp what was demanded of them. Whenever they tried to return they were driven back with sticks and clods and imprecations. This only bewildered them, and they retreated out of range, whence they raised their wet, cold paws and whined pitifully to the shore.

But I am a real Plush Bear, and when I am wound up I can move my head and my paws and I can growl. Listen! I am wound up now!"

He was to hire what men he needed down there, work the range with the Rocking R, and bring home the stock when his men could take the train and go back whence they had come. The Happy Family was disappointed. Pink and Irish, especially, had hoped to be sent along; for both knew well the range north of the Bear Paws, and both would like to have made the trip with Weary.

She licked off the blood from her paws and muzzle, and scratched her head with reiterated grace of movement. "Good, make your little toilet" said the Frenchman to himself; he recovered his gayety with his courage. "We are presently about to give each other good-morning," and he felt for the short poniard that he had abstracted from the Maugrabins.

With a savage growl the animal sprang forward; and, vaulting high into the air, launched himself on the breast of the Chicasaw at the same instant seizing her by the throat! In this position he clung holding on by his terrible teeth, and aided by his paws, with which he kept constantly clawing the bosom of the Indian!

A snare, you know, is a string with a slip-knot at the end of it; and if an animal puts his head or one of his paws into this slip-knot and goes on without noticing it, the string is pulled tight and the poor creature cannot get free. Was it right or wrong of the hunter to set the snare? Do you think the cat was wrong to lie in wait for the mouse? Exactly what the hunter expected happened.

The monkey was growing more and more feeble, and when Toby had shown this act of affection he reached up his tiny paws, grasped Toby's finger, half raised himself from the ground, and then with a convulsive struggle fell back dead, while the tiny fingers slowly relaxed their hold of the boy's hand.

We therefore took advantage of the offer the Indians had made us, and occupied their hammocks; while they sat round the fire talking, and finishing the remains of the stew. Lion had come in for his share of the bones, and now lay down under my hammock with his nose between his paws.