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Obsessed by vague forebodings, they found an able and eloquent interpreter of their fears in the Commissioner who, rather redder in the face than usual, strode fussily up and down the premises, tugging at his disreputable briar pipe, drinking the whisky with anybody who cared to pay for it, and declaring to all and sundry that something must be done.

"He must be prodded," said Briar, turning to Renny. "Look at him; he is going to sleep." "Excuse me, girls," said the Squire, half-rising, and then sitting down again as Verena's young hand pushed him into his seat. "I have just made a most interesting discovery with regard to Virgil namely, that " "Oh, father! we don't want to know about it," said Briar. "Now, then, Renny, begin."

"Stuff and nonsense!" cried Summerlee again with quite unnecessary violence. We had all got into a first-class smoker, and he had already lit the short and charred old briar pipe which seemed to singe the end of his long, aggressive nose. "Friend Challenger is a clever man," said he with great vehemence. "No one can deny it. It's a fool that denies it. Look at his hat.

The India-rubber Man moved quietly down stream, scarcely distinguishable from the gathering shadows by the riverside; he carried a light fly-rod, and once or twice he stopped, puffing the briar pipe between his teeth, to stare intently at the olive-hued water eddying past. "Coo-ee!" A faint call floated up the valley, clear and musical above the voices of the stream.

A bush of briar covered with white roses hung above them, just behind Robinette, and Lavendar looking at her in this English setting on an English Sunday morning, wondered to himself, as he had so often done before, if she could ever make this country her home. "Yet she has English blood as well as I," he thought.

Then Jedge Briar died and his nephew up to Boston come into the property. I was behind in my payments a little, and they sent me word they should foreclose the mortgage, and they did." "Well, I swan! The mean sculpins! Didn't you have NOBODY you could go to; no relations nor nothin'?"

But the mammon and the fading pleasures Of this busy world hath made us deaf. * Forgive the past! Henceforth flowers shall bloom upon the surface Of your dwellings. The lilac in the spring Shall blossom, and the sweet briar shall exhale Its fragrant smell.

In relating the story of her life at Briar Farm she had not spoken of Robin Clifford, some instinct told her that the sympathies of her hearers might be enlisted in his favour, and she did not want this.

It sounds almost as if they were quarreling." Doctor Rabbit was just ready to run to the tree with the prickly vines around it when he crouched low and sat very still again. He heard somebody coming through the woods. Pretty soon he saw that it was Farmer Roe. The farmer stopped when he got close to the briar patch and muttered to himself, "Every spring I have to rid these woods of a fox or two.

They also were wildly delighted with their beautiful blouses, and had not begun to dress when Briar appeared. "I say, isn't it all jolly?" said Briar. "Oh, Patty, what a duck yours is! white. And Adelaide's is white, too. But don't you love mine? I must be a very pretty girl to cause Aunt Sophia to choose such a lovely shade of rose. I wonder if I am really a pretty girl.