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In one hut a little girl of nine years old, boarded out from the foundling hospital, wept bitterly because all the other little girls in the hut were Mihailovnas while she was called Lvovna after her godfather. I said call yourself Mihailovna. They were all highly delighted, and began thanking me. That's what's called making friends with the Mammon of Unrighteousness.

You, too, must pay the uttermost farthing. He loves you too well to let you serve Mammon a whit more than your rich neighbour. 'Serve Mammon! do you say? 'How can I serve Mammon? I have no Mammon to serve. Would you like to have riches a moment sooner than God gives them? Would you serve Mammon if you had him? 'Who can tell? do you answer?

"Thou didst attempt to do so, and Mammon left thee struggling for thy life on the ocean. More on that matter I need not say." Wenlock, on reaching home, found that his friends had been deeply impressed by the addresses they had heard. They were also much surprised to find that two of the speakers were known to him.

"'Take not to yourself the mammon of unrighteousness," said the girl, with the confident air of repeating a lesson. "But I read the Bible, too," replied the young man. "Dad says, 'The letter killeth'!" said the girl sententiously. Fleming looked at the trophies nailed on the walls with a vague wonder if this peculiar Scriptural destructiveness had anything to do with his skill as a marksman.

Let them do this, sir free Protestantism from the golden shackles which make it the slave of Mammon, that it may be able to work do this, and depend upon it, that it will then flourish as it ought; but, in my humble opinion, until such a reform first takes place with ourselves, it is idle to expect that Roman Catholics will come over to us, unless, indeed, a few from sordid and dishonest motives and these we were better without.

Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

She is the most dreadful product of the "Social Evil," of unhallowed sexual commerce is the child of Mammon and Medusa, the blue- ribbon abortion of this monster-bearing age. That man who first coined the phrase, "Nothing succeeds like success," had a great head. Talmage is emphatically a success, viewed from a worldly point of view.

He went on to say, "We must lose ourselves in order to find ourselves in God, as it is written: He that loveth his life shall lose it, and he that hateth his life in this world keepeth it unto life eternal. No man can serve two masters, God and mammon. To follow one you must of necessity quit the other. There is no fellowship between light and darkness or between Christ and Belial.

But to talk about a contrast in degree degrades the reality, for it is no matter of difference of measurement, but it is a matter of difference of kind. And so our Lord goes on to a deeper phase of the contrast, when He pits against one another 'the unrighteous mammon' and 'the true riches. Now, there is some difficulty in that contrast.

At night, to be sure, I could not help thinking with fresh sorrow of that which had come upon us; but then, on the morrow, I saw the Magister again, and would fain have rejoiced in his gladness; but lo, he was now silent and dull, and at the first opening he led ne aside and said, right humbly and with downcast eyes: "Think no evil of me, Mistress Margery, in that yestereve my joy in earthly possessions was over much for my wits; believe me, it was not the glitter of mammon, but far other matters that turned my brain."