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'We shall sail by the next steamer for England, to claim our little darling. My wife is hardly strong enough to travel this week, or we should come at once. A thousand thanks to the brave men who saved our little girl. I shall hope soon to be able to thank them myself. My heart is too full to write much to-day.

She is gone; no one knows the truth but Sydney and ourselves; he will be silent, for his own sake; we will be for ours, and leave this dangerous woman to the fate which will surely overtake her." "Thank you, it has overtaken her, and a very happy one she finds it."

"By keeping silent this morning, by facing certain death upon charges that are worse than the punishment to a soldier, in that they blast his fame," said the general. "Thank God for that kindness to me!" "And he did all this for you." "He loves me, as I love him." "But your love has disgraced him, his has protected you." The girl shrank before the stern words of the soldier.

She held it, wailing to her breast. Little dragged five more souls up. Grace helped them out, and they ran along the gutter to the last house without saying "Thank you." The house was rocking.

"I thank you," he wrote to Captain Murray, "for taking the trouble of driving seven miles to make me a visit; for, could you believe it, there are those who I thought were my firm friends, some of near thirty years' standing who have never taken that trouble!"

"It was at night, when Monsieur had gone home, that I learnt myself to write and thank him for all teaching from the books beside." Of course, I would accept the invitation. I decided to go in a week's time and wrote to that effect.

How changed he is! What a state he is in!" "I'm just come from Paris," said Christophe, "I'm a fugitive." "I know, I know. We saw the papers. They said you were caught. Thank God! You've been much in our thoughts, mine and Anna's." He stopped and made Christophe known to the silent creature who had admitted him: "My wife." She had stayed in the doorway of the room with a lamp in her hand.

"I, for one, do believe you, Jacob," said young Tom, striking his fist on the table. "I can't understand it, but I know you never told a lie, or did a dishonourable act since I've known you." "Thank you, Tom," said I, taking his proffered hand.

Perhaps the boy's sister divined something of his thoughts he was not much older than she for, as he rose, hooking up his sabre, and stepped forward to take his leave, she stood up, too, offering her hand. "Our house is always open to Union soldiers," she said simply. "Will you come again?" "Thank you," he said. "You don't know, I think, how much you have already done for me."

The silence lasted for a good two minutes, and was broken at last by Miss Peggy herself. "Cream and sugar!" she said, in a tone of sweet insinuation. "Two lumps, if you please. Not very strong, and as hot as possible. Thank you! So sorry to be a trouble." Esther fairly jumped with surprise, and seizing the teapot, filled the empty cup in haste.