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Such places as Lake Illawarra and Lake Macquarie are fishing resorts well known to the tourist; but along the northern coast, where the population is scantier, and access by rail or steamer more difficult, there is an absolutely new field open to the sportsman in fact, these places are seldom visited for either fishing or shooting by people from Sydney.

He uttered an exclamation of sorrow as he saw the big black eyes looking from their hollows, and the white face of the man so suddenly brought to this pass from the full tide of strength. "For-r my sake!" he groaned. "How with all my soul I wish it were I!" He took Bob's other hand Sydney had resumed her old position and tried to command his voice.

The Governor's house, which occupies a hill to the right, commands a fine view of the bay, as well as of the lovely green valley behind it. Auckland, like Sydney, being for the most part built upon high land, is divided by ravines, which open out towards the sea in little coves or bays such as Mechanics' Bay, Commercial Bay, and Official Bay.

They refused to give them up unless the governor appointed a new Judge-Advocate, and Bligh replied with a final demand that they should obey or refuse in writing. Then he wrote to Major Johnston, who commanded the regiment, and who lived some distance from Sydney, to come into town at once, as he wanted to see him over the "peculiar circumstances."

A month later I was at sea again, bound this time for Sydney. We reached that port on my nineteenth birthday, and by that time I had made up my mind. Articles or no Articles, I was determined to spend no more of my life on board that hateful ship.

The plantain throws its broad leaves over the water, the vine encircles the cottages, and the market of Sydney is abundantly supplied with every culinary vegetable. In a climate, therefore, so soft that man scarcely requires a dwelling, and so enchanting that few have left it but with regret, the spirits must necessarily be acted upon, and the heart feel lighter.

Devoe seemed to be laying down the law forcibly to Gale; he was gesticulating with his hands and nodding his head like a Chinese mandarin. Sydney could not hear what he was saying, nor could he see Gale's face; but in the attitude of the captain there was exasperation, and in that of Gale sullen impatience. Another group at signal practise drew nigh, and Sydney gave his attention to it.

One of them, who called himself John Brown, as he stepped on deck seemed to me a remarkably fine fellow. He had belonged to a whaler which had been wrecked some time before, and he had remained behind while the rest of the crew went on to Sydney. I immediately asked him the question which I put to everybody. "Do you know anything of a young fellow named Jack Trawl?"

"I think it was about three months since, when a party of three miners, who had accumulated a considerable amount of treasure by working in these mines, concluded that they would sell out their claim and return to Sydney, and from thence take ship to England, where they belonged.

The book, which is well illustrated, is a useful contribution to the general stock of information concerning the work of colonisation in Australia." Sydney Daily Telegraph. "Mr. Firth Scott has produced a really romantic and fascinating volume." Literature. "It is a book to stir the blood; and to awake many thoughts." Critic.