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There was no sign of my companions, but a tall man, dressed in a blue coat with brass buttons like a small country farmer, was tightening the girth of a magnificent black horse, whilst a little further on a slim young ostler was waiting by the roadside, holding the bridles of two others.

In all probability the kitchen of the Black Lion, from a domestic temple of society and good fellowship, would have been converted into a scene or stage of sanguinary dispute, had not Pallas, or Discretion, interposed in the person of Mr. Fillet, and, with the assistance of the ostler, disarmed the combatants, not only of their arms, but also of their resentment. The impetuosity of Mr.

"Where is Nathan Grene?" inquired the outraged nobleman, as soon as he found himself at liberty; "I want to see him." "Happen you do!" replied his keeper, who was none other than the ostler; "then, maybe, you will find him at London. You were near enough to him in the stable loft; maybe he is out of the stocks again now."

"Ah, all o' that!" nodded the ostler over his tankard. "Every bit!" added the postboy. "An' 'oo might you be?" demanded an individual in top-boots, a large man chiefly remarkable for a pair of fierce, black whiskers and a truculent eye. "Seven miles!" exclaimed Anthony, unheeding his interrupter. "I had feared it shorter oh, excellent!

He'll hardly come this way; he's too cunning to go where the people are prepared to receive him." If either of the three had happened to look steadily at the back window of the bar-room, they might have detected, in the dusk, the face of Dougherty, the Irish ostler of the Unicorn Tavern.

Richardson used to say, that had he not known who Fielding was, he should have believed he was an ostler. Sir, there is more knowledge of the heart in one letter of Richardson's, than in all Tom Jones.

I'm well-nigh frozen alive," said Pippo, the ostler. "If they don't keep him an hour at the gate," rejoined a decidedly more ragged and poverty-stricken individual, who held recognized office as the ostler's assistant. "Not such a night as this!

Some five miles from the hotel she met a wedding, and therewith leaped the bog-drain by the side of the road and "took to the mountains," as the bridegroom poetically described it to Fanny Fitz, who, with the ostler, was pursuing the fugitive on an outside car. "If that's the way," said the ostler, "ye mightn't get her again before the winther."

"Indeed, sir," said the Viscount, in a tone of faint surprise, and beckoning a passing ostler, ordered out his curricle. "As I say," repeated Mr. Smivvle, beginning to search for his whisker again, "I have a friend, my Lord " "Congratulate you," murmured the Viscount, pulling at his glove. "A friend who has frequently spoken of your Lordship " "Very kind of him!" murmured the Viscount.

If a purchase be effected at either of the auctions proceeding it is paid for by cheque, and, on the other hand, should the farmer be the vendor, his money comes to him in the shape of a cheque. With the exception of his dinner and the ostler, the farmer who comes to market carries on all his transactions with paper.