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After a trip or two, however, the Sultana was taken by the Spaniards, snugly at anchor in a Sulu harbour, the Captain and Crew having time to make their escape.

The things packed snugly in the big valise were her things; it was she, Rebecca Mary, who would unpack them in a wondrous, strange place. It was Rebecca Mary the minister's wife and Rhoda came to bid good-bye. Aunt Olivia went to the station in the stage with the child. She did not speak much on the way, but sat firmly straight and smiled. Duty had told her the last thing to smile.

He's stowed his fat carcase away somewhere down in de hold. Let's you all and me go and look for him, and we soon rouse him up like one great rat with rope's end." "Set a thief to catch a thief!" whispered Harry to Fid. "I thought he would know where Gipples was likely to be found." Sam had been known on more than one occasion to stow himself snugly away during action.

Other things were nonessentials to him, and it was hardly likely that he would put much extra weight on a horse. The only concession to animal comfort, in fact, was the slicker rolled snugly behind the saddle. He was one of those rare Westerners to whom coffee on the trail is not the staff of life.

But he did look forward with pleasurable excitement to his visit, for all that. The day came at length, and he started for Barnsbury, snugly ensconsed in a first-class carriage, with wraps, and comic papers, and a story by Manville Fenn with a thrilling picture on the cover, and his beloved gun in the rack over his head.

Fair as things now seem, I would give a thousand dollars of a small stock, in which no single dollar has been lightly earned, to see these spars safely on board the Montauk, and snugly fitted to their proper places. Sticks, gentlemen, are to a ship what limbs are to a man.

"It's the way the wind blows," she explained. "Easily remedied," said he. "I'll move into Mrs. Gaston's chair if you think it will help any." "Do!" she said promptly. "You will not disturb me in the least, unless you talk." She resumed her reading, half a page above the finger tip. He moved over and arranged himself comfortably, snugly in Mrs. Gaston's chair. Their elbows almost met.

He had intended to be pathetic, to paint delightful pictures of uncle and niece sheltering snugly together defended by their affection against a cold and hostile London. His own eyes had filled with tears as he thought of it. What a hard, cold-hearted girl she was! Nevertheless for the moment he abandoned the subject.

"It slipped over my lips, I couldn't help it," said Francis; then he lit the great candles and opened the door of the adjoining room, which was very snugly fitted up for our reception.

Raggedy Ann tucked them in snugly and lay down upon the hard floor. "I am stuffed with nice soft cotton and the hard floor does not bother me at all!" said Raggedy.