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There the young folks were crowding round the hat-pegs, some to find their own wraps, some to take down other people's. "I suppose it's no good trying to push our way forward," said the fair one. Ola's windpipe contracted in such a vexatious way that he only succeeded in uttering a meaningless sound.

It was arranged that, the villa being much nearer than the Hôtel de Paris to the yacht, Mary should call for her chaperon; therefore, as Eve had said nothing, it was a great surprise when the house party had assembled in the drawing-room, putting on their wraps and buttoning their gloves, to hear the "sulky codfish" announce Miss Grant.

Who knew when Emily Davis would be back to do her temperance lecture or how long it would be before they could hear Madame Patti sing "Home, Sweet Home" through a wheezy gramophone? "Was it all right?" Eleanor whispered to Betty as they hunted up their wraps a little later. "Perfectly splendid," said Betty with shining eyes. "The loveliest end-up to the loveliest commencement that ever was."

Then, stepping as softly as we could in our clumping rubber boots, our arms burdened with guns and wraps, we stole into the outer darkness. It was almost black, but we could dimly make out the treetops whipped about by the wind. Over by the stable we caught the intermittent flashes of many lanterns where the teamsters were feeding their stock.

At her door a man in modified livery received Colville, and helped him off with his overcoat so skilfully that he did not hurt his rheumatic shoulder at all; there were half a dozen other hats and coats on the carved chests that stood at intervals along the wall, and some gayer wraps that exhaled a faint, fascinating fragrance on the chilly air.

Nero clothed Christians in the skins of wild beasts, but he wraps wild beasts in the skins of Christians. Is an artificer or maker of love, a sworn servant to all ladies, like an officer in a corporation. Though no one in particular will own any title to him, yet he never fails upon all occasions to offer his services, and they as seldom to turn it back again untouched.

So he stayed outside until all the beautiful women in their warm wraps, a bright-hued chattering throng, came down the grand staircase to their carriages. It was on one of these nights that Courcey and Martel found him shivering at the corner. "Hello, M'sieu Fortier," cried Courcey, "are you ready to let me have that violin yet?" "For shame!" interrupted Martel.

"Yes, I did, in a way; of course I did; but I am afraid you will never be able to forget Oh, no. I cannot expect that " She took her wraps. "Don't go!" he called. "You have never been out of my thoughts, either. As far as that goes, I am as much to blame as you, and it is true that I have changed. I am, perhaps, a little different now. But here is your room just as before. Come and see!

He poked up one foot after the other to count his toes, fearing some had come away with his stockings, and then said, "Well, and how long should I have slept had you not come? Another week! By St. Paul, I might have died. Have you my stockings, sir?" I gave them to him, and he pulled them over his legs and then drew on his boots and stood up, the coats and wraps tumbling off him as he rose.

She hastily donned her wraps and set off for a brisk walk, no matter where, through that glorious Winter glow. Under the snow-laden arms of the grand old trees, out of the grounds of Oakley. Before she realized it she was half way down the path leading to the village. Something that jarred upon her sense of the beautiful, awakened her to herself, and she turned suddenly about.