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And this is shown even in the excessive refinement and elaboration of trifles, the minutia of reflection, the keenness of analysis, the unrelenting pursuit of every social topic into subtleties untouched by the older essayists.

So, paying his small score, he rose, leaving his drink untouched, and started off in the direction of Colonel Brodsky's dwelling. It was a strange thing that Ivan, in his confidence of getting away immediately, forgot that old, unpaid grudge of his superior officer. Unhappily for him, when he made his request, eagerness was written in every line of his face.

But leaving the question of their utility, in the abstract, wholly untouched, and taking it for granted, for the present, that they are as is undoubtedly the fact sometimes employed, and will continue to be so for a great while to come, I proceed to speak of their more flagrant abuses. Among these, none are more reprehensible than blows of any kind on the head.

As soon, however, as he saw the party approaching, he decamped into the bush, and was again lost sight of. On coming up to the spot where he was seen, the bags in which he had carried away the tea and sugar were found; the sugar was nearly consumed, but the tea appeared untouched. In the evening Carpenter returned, and on begging Mr. Kennedy's pardon, he was forgiven.

And now she was gone, lost to them perhaps for ever. There stood the wheel she had been turning; there hung the untwisted hanks of yarn, her morning task; and there they remained week after week, and month after month, untouched, a melancholy memorial to the hearts of the bereaved parents of their beloved.

"It's because we're twins," said Evelyn. "Everybody who isn't twins is down on them." "It's because they are always beautiful and good," said Alice. "Why don't you stand up for us, father?" It was noticed that Mr. Ballin was not looking well; that the chicken mousse upon his plate was untouched, and that he fooled with his bread, breaking it, crumbling it, and rolling it into pellets.

The announcement of his intended departure to Emily, as they were seated in the drawing-room on the designated day, afforded him another evidence that her heart was not untouched. Her pale cheek grew paler, and the playful smile was instantly dismissed. "So soon?" said she, scarcely able to conceal the tremulous emotion which agitated her. "So soon!

In political questions, which leave the economico-social foundation untouched, it is possible to understand how, for instance, the exile of Napoleon III. or of the Emperor Don Pedro could inaugurate a republic.

But Harry paused frequently on the way, as there was nothing to hurry him, and there was much to be seen. If Charleston had been crowded, Richmond was more so. Like all capitals on the verge of a great war, but as yet untouched by its destructive breath, it throbbed with life.

The little pavilion of Queen Marguerite was not in any way changed, except that the paintings on the walls were slightly modified. The Venuses were changed into Virgins, and the Cupids into angels, while the emblematic paintings with Spanish mottoes in the interstices were left untouched, as they did not shock the proprieties.