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Harper and I investigated the baggage-room, but they weren't there." "Oh, call him Kenneth," said Patty. "You boys are too young for such formality." "I may be," said Bob, "but he isn't. He's a college man." "He's a college boy," said Patty; "he's only nineteen, and you're sixteen yourself." "Going on seventeen," said Bob proudly, "and so is Bumble." "Twins often are the same age," observed Mr.

"You don't think a bunch of works like that could be twins, do you?" says I. "But but I'm sure I don't remember having met him, you know," says Ferdie, rubbin' his chin thoughtful. "Then maybe you ain't," says I. When they comes on for a third time, though, and prances through about as flossy a half-and-half as I've ever seen pulled at a private dance, Ferdie is some agitated in the mind.

Susie said nothing more. All the girls were dull, grave, distressed. The twins were nowhere to be seen. Betty's sweet face, Betty's sparkling eyes, Betty's gay laugh, were conspicuous by their absence. Miss Symes did not appear at all. When breakfast was over, and the brief morning prayers had been gone through by Mr. Fairfax for these prayers were not said in the chapel Mrs.

"What a queer boy David is!" was on Polly's lips; but she could scarcely say the words before he came out again. His face was deadly white, he shook all over, and the words he tried to say only trembled on his lips. "What is it, David?" said the twins, running up to him. "She'll believe me now," said David. He panted violently, his teeth chattered. "Oh! David, you frighten us!

Their dear little twin brother and sister were sold, and taken where they knew not. But it often happens that misfortune causes those whom we counted dearest to shrink away; while it makes friends of those whom we least expected to take any interest in our affairs. Among the latter class Frank found two comparatively new but faithful friends to watch the gloomy paths of the unhappy little twins.

Arches on sides, coupled Corinthian columns. Endeavor to make them more interesting than formal type of fluted columns. Four designs. They add to richness of court. Winged figures over arches, by Faville. Blue medallions above arches, Faville. Italian adaptation of Byzantine, Ship of State, the Bison, the Twins holding garlands representing abundance, the horn of plenty and cadeucus, and tree.

I feel perfectly certain " She seemed to remember using those words before on an unfortunate occasion, so she hastily changed them. "I am quite sure that you are a very good companion. Me and Tom couldn't learn any harm from you." She was persuading herself, not the twins, but it was a twin who answered. "We can have lots of fun," said Dot, "and no one will know.

"Thank you a thousand times, madam, a thousand times! though in truth I don't deserve it." "Ah, Luigi is always the fortunate one when honors are showering," said Angelo, plaintively; "now what have I done, Mrs. Cooper, that you leave me out? Come, you must strain a point in my favor." "Call you Angelo? Why, certainly I will; what are you thinking of! In the case of twins, why "

And I believe it 'll do you good to set up. I wished I could set up with you; but I don't seem to have the stren'th I did when the twins died. I must git my sleep, so's to I don't like very well to have you broke of your rest, Jacob, but there don't appear to be anybody else. You wouldn't have to do it if Coonrod was here. There I go ag'in! Mercy! mercy!"

Luleå was reached at last and Josef Klasson was transported from the train to the steamer, "Just as if he were a load of iron ore from the mines," Birger declared. "Not quite so bad as that," said his father, and took the twins to see the great hydraulic lift that takes up a car loaded with ore, as easily as a mother lifts her baby, and dumps the whole load into the hold of a vessel.