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"And such humour !" he added, with justice. After an interval the woman returned. He had refrained from the staple dish. She indicated it with a grimy forefinger. "Please!" he begged plaintively. "I'm never very hungry in the morning." "I guess you don't like the table here," she observed icily, clearing away. "Do you?" "I don't have to; I live home." He stared. Could it be possible...?

And as I went back each time with that sickly spoonful at the bottom of the vessel all the dying beasts lifted their heads and watched the thirsty wolves shambling after me; the boars half sat up and grunted plaintively; the panthers, too weak to rise, beat the dusty ground with their tails; and from the portico the blue storks, with trailing wings, croaked husky greeting.

"No," plaintively. "Grandma won't let me. But I thought you'd loan me something." "I haven't got anything but my old six-shooter, which I can't spare. Listen, Johnny! When you think somebody needs to be shot, you come to me and tell me about it, see? You know I know you have a lot more self-control than these Lost Chief folks think you have.

"Because I do like you, Nat, very much, and and it's very hard for me to know that folks think I'm pursuing you and that you're trying to avoid me." "Josie!" he exclaimed reproachfully. "Well, that's the way it looks," she affirmed plaintively. "You don't want it to, do you?" "Why, no; of course I don't." "Then why don't you stop it?" She watched his face, her manner coy and yielding.

With night-fall the heights seemed to draw in and huddle close and the dirge of flood and wind mounted into a heavier timbre. Fires leaped into fitful radiance. Banjos and "dulcimores" came out of hiding and sounded plaintively over the waste of waters. Scraps of almost mediaeval life showed out in thumb-nail sketches between the sooty shadow world and the red flare of the bonfires.

"Oh, we're afraid!" she cried plaintively; "pa's gone, and we're afraid!" "You needn't be, any more," he said reassuringly. Matthews, under his breath, was cursing the self-contained man in the saddle. Enraged at the storekeeper's interference, hot with disappointment, he saw himself stood up like a tenderfoot. But his caution prevailed.

So saying Viscount Devenham launched his paper dart which, gliding gracefully through the air, buried its point in the Captain's whisker, whereupon that warrior, murmuring plaintively, turned over and fell once more gently a-snoring. "Talking about the Ogre " began the Viscount. "You mean Jasper Gaunt?" Barnabas inquired.

Below, beyond the yellow-starred field of which the woman had spoken, flowed the Seine, and in the distance one could see the outskirts of Paris. "The doctor says I am better," the girl whispered plaintively. "This morning he was quite cheerful. I suppose he knows, but it is strange that I should feel so weak weaker even day by day. And my cough it tears me to pieces all the time."

With this prudent resolve, he threw himself along the bed in the spare-room, and was oblivious of everything sublunary until sunrise. "If there should be any change, call me!" Mrs. Aylett had enjoined, plaintively. "Winston will not hear of my sitting up, but I shall not close my eyes all night, so do not hesitate to disturb me, if I can be of any use whatever."

You must consider her first. She is very young and she knows nothing. I don't think that she wants to be poor, or that she will understand your motives." "I will make her understand then," said Geoffrey. "Don't talk like a brute. You will have to be very patient and considerate for her. Go slow!" "Can I stop here to-night, then?" asked Barrington, plaintively.