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It was indeed the formidable figure of the Lady Ermyntrude, gaunt, bowed and leaning on her staff, which had emerged from the door of the manor-house and advanced to greet them. She croaked with laughter, and shook her stick at the great building as she heard of the discomfiture of the Abbey court.

Something like an oath broke from Sartoris as he glanced at Beatrice. The girl could not control herself for the moment; she could not hide from Sartoris and the others that she knew now that she was in the presence of Countess de la Moray and General Gastang in their proper person. "Those are not your photographs at all," Sartoris croaked. "As a matter of fact I only got them from Paris to-day.

They spoke to her. She uttered a gibberish unknown to them with a voice that croaked like a frog's, then went down on her creaking knees and lifted her hands to the sun. "Doña Concepción had the greatest romance of us all; so she should not chide too bitterly." "But she has such a sense of her duty! Such a sense of her duty! Ay, Dios de mi alma! Shall we ever grow like that?"

They thought they'd croaked me, an' they wasn't botherin' with me. "One of them waved a blanket or a tarp. I couldn't get what it was. Anyway, they waved somethin' an' got the herd started. I heard them talkin' about seein' Soapy go under, right at the start. An' you. Dale said he saw you go down, an' it wasn't no use to look for you. They sure played hell, boss." Sanderson did not answer.

In a little while up he came again with the ball in his mouth, and threw it on the grass. The king's daughter was overjoyed when she beheld her pretty plaything again, picked it up, and ran away with it. "Wait! wait!" cried the frog; "take me with you. I cannot run as fast as you." Alas! of what use was it that he croaked after her as loud as he could.

Down by the pool a frog croaked now and then; from a distance came the plaintive, often repeated cry of a solitary owlet; the night breeze sighed through the long grass and the low shrubbery. The boy and girl turned to each other, put out their hands and then their arms, and clasped each other silently, and kissed. Then they walked demurely back to their elders, without exchanging a word.

To come dragging old Peters Brown's money-bags down here just as soon as he croaked, with the express intention of opening up and passing us all our wads back. Could anything as as pathetic ever have happened before?" "No," answered Phoebe.

Truly, as the sheriff had said, "desperate characters will take desperate chances." "If yer open yer head or call out or make a noise wid yer feet or poun' de side o' de car or start a-bawlin' I'll brain ye, ye hear? Nobody gets me alive. An' if anybody comes in here 'cause o' you makin' a noise and cryin' fer help, yer'll be the fust to git croaked see?"

They rob us not of the yellow stone which the Carolina people think so precious!" rejoined Oo-koo-koo, while O'Kimmon and L'Épine looked from one to the other as the cheera-taghe sustained this fugue of satiric accusation. "Not they," croaked the responsive voice, "for behold, we have long time fed and lodged them and given them of our best. We have believed them and trusted them.

They both grinned at Rhoda Gray through the murky light supplied by a wheezy and wholly inadequate gas-jet. "Hello, Nan!" gibed the smaller of the two. "Who let you out?" "Aw, forget it!" croaked Rhoda Gray. Shluker took up the cudgels. "You close your face, Pinkie!" he snapped. "Get down to cases!