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"I got an eye on 'em." "Easy, Mister," urged Mack, as he picked up the reins again. "One o' them is a young lady. You're a gent, I take it, as wouldn't frighten no female." "Stow that!" advised Pete, with vigor. "Come out o' there!" Mack started the mules, and they dragged the wagon creakingly up the bank. Frances and Pratt rode meekly in its wake.

At that time I believed he was the murderer, and I was anxious to frighten the truth out of him in order to see where my reconstruction was at fault. His story proved that my original conception of the crime was the correct one, and my mistake was in departing from it, and ignoring some of my original clues in order to square the new facts with a fresh theory.

I did not wish your absence or the hour of your return to be known. My visitors must not be remarked upon by my servants!" "Then why did you not speak to me?" "I wished to give you a lesson." "You thought to frighten me, as if I were a doughy, half-baked English girl! Allow me to ask how you were aware I was out." Lady Ann was not ready with her answer.

Are we to behave rudely to a gentleman who has always treated us with the utmost consideration, because Captain Stanwick has tried to frighten us by cowardly threats? The commonest feeling of self-respect forbids it." My aunt protested against this outbreak of folly with perfect temper and good sense. I left her to choose between going with me to Mr. Varleigh, or letting me go to him by myself.

What is now most necessary is to guard you from his further machinations, for you may else be involved in ruin as deep as his own. He now knows the way to frighten you, and he will not fail to put it in practice."

Physical strength and force had no power to frighten the sullen lad, but all the irresistible might of a fine soul roused to frenzy looked out in the young man's blazing eyes, dilated nostrils, and tense white mouth. It cowed the boy, because it was something he could not understand. He only realized that he was in the presence of a force that was not to be trifled with.

Well, I suppose this is what people would call a piece of splendid acting! Do you expect to frighten me, my dear, as you did Craven Le Noir, with the peas!" "Say 'Lord have mercy on my soul' say it. Black Donald say it. I beseech you!" she prayed. "Ha, ha, ha, my dear! You may say it for me! And to reward you, I will give you, such a kiss!

The grown-up Englishman is to the end of his days a badly brought-up child, beyond belief quarrelsome, petulant, selfish, destructive, and cowardly: afraid that the Germans will come and enslave him; that the burglar will come and rob him; that the bicycle or motor car will run over him; that the smallpox will attack him; and that the devil will run away with him and empty him out like a sack of coals on a blazing fire unless his nurse or his parents or his schoolmaster or his bishop or his judge or his army or his navy will do something to frighten these bad things away.

He felt the alluring warmth of her body against his shoulder. Then he would have turned to search her eyes, but, divining him, she denied, pressing her cheek close against his own. "No; no! Don't look at me," she breathed. "You don't know what you mean," he whispered. "I do! I'm not a child. Take me with you." "It means ruin for you." "Ruin! That's a word! Words don't frighten me." "They do me.

She always kept up to the average, and it was only those who fell below who ever received warnings from the principal. Perhaps it was well, never mind, she would wait and see. As soon as school was over she hurried to the principal's office and tapped on the door. "Well, Grace, my dear," said Miss Thompson, as the young girl entered, "did my note frighten you?"