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Comstock, with characteristic stubbornness, had said she would leave a basket at the grocery for her, but firmly declined to say what would be in it. All day Elnora struggled to keep her mind on her books. For hours she wavered in tense uncertainty. What would her mother do? Should she take the girls to the confectioner's that night or risk the basket? Mrs.

But if it would make you happier to talk to me about it, do. 'I c-can't talk about it, she sobbed. 'My poor pet!... Did it happen after you got here, or before? I felt her stiffen and grow tense, as at a dreadful memory. 'After.... But I was in my room; I wasn't there. 'You heard the fall, I suppose.... She shuddered, and nodded.

Momentarily she had forgotten the struggle which was going on in her own heart. Now even pity for the other could not keep her from turning hack to it. "But I do not know," she gasped. "I sometimes I think I must care, and then I am afraid " She lifted a face dry-eyed and tense. "I ought to be proud of him, too.

One morning at three o'clock a Salvationist carried a second supply of hot coffee to the battery positions. One gunner with tense, strained face eyed his full coffee mug with satisfaction and said with a sigh: "Good! That is all I wanted. I can keep going until morning now!"

He half rose from his seat as Croisset paused; his eyes glittered, his death-white face was set in tense fierce lines, his finger-nails dug into the board table, as he demanded, "What happened then, Croisset?" Jean was eying him like an animal. His voice was low. "They escaped, M'seur." With a deep breath Howland sank back.

Jimmy jerked the instrument away from his ear. The explosion kept ringing in his ear painfully. Hale repeated slowly: "One, perhaps three of the Tontine group were murdered during the past twenty-four hours." The growl that now answered him was Hite's normal voice, with the tense undertone it held when he had a big story.

Physical strength and force had no power to frighten the sullen lad, but all the irresistible might of a fine soul roused to frenzy looked out in the young man's blazing eyes, dilated nostrils, and tense white mouth. It cowed the boy, because it was something he could not understand. He only realized that he was in the presence of a force that was not to be trifled with.

I strained my ears, but could catch no sound; three or four tense minutes passed, I could have sworn it was half an hour. One of the negro women on the stair screamed slightly, and, as though it were a signal, there came a great blow upon the door and pandemonium arose without.

With his bristles rigid, the snarling lips drawn back, disclosing the formidable fangs, the body crouching for his spring, and the lithe tail puffed up and swollen, and lashing restlessly from side to side, each muscle tense and strung, and an undulating movement perceptible like the motions of a huge snake, a crouching tiger at bay is a sight that strikes a certain chill to the heart of the onlooker.

Dick started from the sullen stupor into which he had fallen and listened with perplexed interest. "You are not quite right in your tenses, Austin," she remarked. "You said: Would I have accepted you if you had asked me?" "I want to change the tense into the present," he replied. She met his glance calmly. "You ask me to marry you in spite of what you told me this afternoon?"