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As she shook hands with Victor, she said neither high nor low: "Selma knows that I care. I told her the night of the riot." "Good-by," said Victor in a tone she thought it wise not to dispute. "I'll be in the woods above the park at ten tomorrow," she said in an undertone. Then to Selma, unsmilingly: "You're not interrupting. I'm going." Selma advanced.

Also, being advised of the expediency by a voice speaking in an undertone, he sought still further to extend beyond himself by suffering his nails to grow long and obliterating his name from the public announcements upon the city walls.

Robinson devoured him with his eyes and his ears. He heard him say in an undertone: "What is this for?" "Hasn't done his work at the crank," was the answer. Then Mr. Jones, after taking another look at the sufferer, gave a sigh and walked away.

The observation was made in the smoothest and most silken tones, but they carried with them such a singular suggestion of doubt and inquiry that they seemed like an accusation. "Ah?" replied the other, perceiving evidently some intended undertone of suspicion lurking in the words, but apparently resolved not to commit himself to his companion.

Halsey, now that the strain of the game was off, was rattling along about his losses in an undertone to her. "But what of it?" he concluded. "Any day luck may change. As for myself, I go always on the assumption that I am the one exception unlucky both at cards and love. If the event proves I am right, I am not disappointed. If I am wrong, then I am happy."

She hurried back into the drawing-room, but just before reaching the other group, she said in an undertone: "Now, won't you promise me that you will leave Berlin at once?" Before he had time to answer they were joined by Princess Adolph. The Americans remained for a few moments and then took their leave. The little Princess, as she put her icy cold hand in his, gave him an appealing look.

A sound was in his ears like the low, rhythmic thunder of a distant sea breaking in successive waves upon the beach, and out of this noise, seeming a part of it, or possibly coming from beyond it, and intermingled with its ceaseless undertone, came the articulate words: "Jerome Searing, you are caught like a rat in a trap in a trap, trap, trap."

Young Mansion stepped hastily in, nodded good-bye to his acquaintance, and smilingly said in an undertone to the driver, "St. Swithin's Church and quickly."

The boy did as he was bid. A gentle grip on the Delaware lad's palm brought him to his senses. Jeremy was whispering in a cool, steady undertone, "Bob, that's the lad wake up, Bob don't say a word sh! easy there are you awake?" When he was rewarded by a nod of comprehension, he told his comrade of Job's presence and the chance they had to escape. Bob understood in a moment.

"If I should fall," said the prebendary to his second, in an undertone, but loud enough for his opponent to hear every word he said, "tell the dear city of Vienna and my friends that I have fought a duel with Prince Lichtenstein because he was my rival with the beautiful Baroness Arnstein, and that I have died with the conviction that he was the lover of the fair lady." A pause ensued.