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'Oh! don't say no, for I have fallen deeply in love with you. 'Well, I won't say "No," replied Bellah, with a laugh, 'but you must promise first to let me catch one of those lovely fish in your net. 'It is not so easy as it looks, rejoined the Groac'h, smiling, 'but take it, and try your luck.

He recognized, or thought he recognized, the baronet, and came to a deadlock, with a stifled imprecation. "It's all up with them three hundred pounds this bout," he thought; "confound the luck!" He could not hear the words the distance was too great but he could see them plainly.

There was a vacant place beside him, and, just as he possibly expected, Miss Forrest came out on the gallery and waved her hand and smiled cordial greeting to the two girls. Instantly he reined in his eager horses, almost bringing them upon their haunches, and called up to her: "This is the best piece of luck that has befallen me since I came to Laramie.

We crouched around the base of the ladders waiting for the word to go over. I was sick and faint, and was puffing away at an unlighted fag. Then came the word, "Three minutes to go; upon the lifting of the barrage and on the blast of the whistles, 'Over the Top with the Best o' Luck and Give them Hell." The famous phrase of the Western Front. The Jonah phrase of the Western Front.

At this time Major General W. Thwaites, C.B., who had Commanded the Division since 1916, was appointed Director of Military Intelligence at the War Office, and his place was taken by Major General G.F. Boyd, C.M.G., D.S.O., D.C.M. It is impossible even now to estimate all that General Thwaites did for the Division, and it was very bad luck for him that he had to leave just at the time when the Division was to reap the fruits of his training.

It is murder, and no less, and small luck can be hoped for from the stroke." Now Gizur felt that his people looked on him askance and heavily, and knew that it would be hard to show them that he was driven to this deed against his will, and by the witchcraft of Swanhild.

Fancy lying out there in No Man’s Land for twenty-four hours with both legs broken and an arm! I said, “Sonny, you have had a rough time.” And this was his reply: “They copped me, worse luck, before I had a pot at them.” You can’t beat these boys of yours, the nation’s boys, the best boys of our homes, the flower of our manhood, the noblest and the dearest that God ever gave to a people.

Herbert and his companion drew near the forest cabin, which had been the home of the former, without a suspicion that George Melville was in such dire peril. The boy was, indeed, thinking of him, but it was rather of the satisfaction his employer would feel at his good fortune. "Somehow I feel in a great hurry to get there, Jack," said Herbert. "I shall enjoy telling Mr. Melville of my good luck."

After the slight luck he had already experienced in the lottery, combined with several partial defeats erst inflicted upon the man who thus challenged him, it might have been expected that Le Gros would have gladly accepted the challenge. He did not.

These conditions, which a woman of that class calls being in luck, are difficult to combine in Paris, although it is a city of millionaires, of idlers, of used-up and capricious men. Providence has, no doubt, vouchsafed protection to clerks and middle-class citizens, for whom obstacles of this kind are at least double in the sphere in which they move.