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They were as glad to see me as I was to see them, for the story of the robbery had interested the financial district perhaps more than any other. "Where can I find Halsey Haughton at this hour?" I asked. "Say," exclaimed one of the men, "what's the matter? There have been all kinds of rumors in the Street about him to-day. Did you know he was ill?" "No," I answered. "Where is he?"

The moment the Halsey scions heard mention of "dinner" they clung to their mother's skirts and whined: "We-all wanta stay to dinnerr! Don't cha go widdout dinnerr!" "Why not give the children some cake, mother, and then Mrs. Halsey can have a bite with Jamison. He can lift her on to the next ranch, too," suggested Mr. Brewster. Mrs.

Laughing to myself, I caught them up, drew three long bright hairs from my head they looked right gold-y in the firelight and tied them around the flowers I thought I should never get to the end while wrapping them. Thus secured, a servant carried them into the parlor with "Miss Sarah's compliments to Mr. Halsey."

"Don't you know that Joe Smith is our prophet, and that he holds the keys of life and death? Didn't Angel Halsey die to teach us that? Weren't we baptized into it by being dipped in blood?" She sat shuddering in the dusk and repeating at intervals "dipped in blood," "dipped in blood." Whether Elvira was mad or not, Susannah had no power to stop this nefarious marriage.

Yes, he knew the firm of Stephens and Jarrott an excellent house. There was no Mr. Stephens now, only a Mr. Jarrott. Mr. Stephens had belonged to the great days of American enterprise in the southern hemisphere, to the time of Wheelwright, and Halsey, and Hale. The Civil War had put an end to that. Mr. Jarrott had come later a good man, not generally understood. He had suffered a great loss a few years ago in the death of his brother-in-law and partner, Mr. Colfax. Mrs. Colfax, a pretty little woman, who hadn't old age in her blood either one could see that had gone back to the United States with her child but a child! blond as an angel altogether darling tout

"Oh!..." Aileen's voice trailed off vaguely, "What do you write? Plays? Essays?..." "I why, I'm one of the best my stories appear constantly in the best magazines." Miss Smith, who had been deserted some time since by Miss Halsey, looked abject, helpless, and infuriated. "Oh! We only read the worst. It must be wonderful to be famous. Come, Alex, we must see the pictures.

Kennedy was working quickly. Motioning the officers to be seated by Thurston, he uncovered a jar which he had placed on the table. The colour had now appeared in Alma's cheeks, as if hope had again sprung in her heart, and I fancied that Halsey Post saw his claim on her favour declining correspondingly. "I want you to examine the letters in this case with me," continued Kennedy.

He had an excited fancy concerning Susannah's dead and what must be done for them. He lifted Halsey easily in both his arms and walked away, Susannah following with the dead child. Without a word they went till they came to Halsey's camp. Nothing had been touched since Susannah left in the morning.

"Double or quits, Watson," he cried. "Return the new certificates or take others for twice the amount. Are you game?" "I'm on," agreed Watson coolly. Halsey laid down his hand in triumph. There were four kings. "I win," ground out Watson viciously, as he tossed down four aces. Constance was on her feet in a moment.

Later, we learned that the senator had bent every effort toward securing Halsey Post as a son-in-law, but his daughter had had views of her own on the subject. Post waited until Alma had withdrawn before he disclosed the real object of his visit.