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She felt a sneeze coming. The girl made heroic efforts to repress the sneeze, then, finding she could not, stuffed an end of her kimono into her mouth and covered her nose with both hands. It was a long, shuddering sneeze that Harriet Burrell uttered. She feared it had not only attracted the attention of the man or men on board the sloop, but awakened her companions as well.

Or would he have lingered in an asylum shuddering over the fictitious glooming of his nails and skin, shaking in a long ague of negrophoby. Anyhow, I'm sorry I didn't do more for him, didn't walk him round the deck the last night at least, and try my best to cheer him. Yes, I blame myself badly for not doing that. May God who allowed his delusion pardon that last maneuver of his!

The fair head fell passively back against his shoulder with all its wealth of rippling hair the fragile form he clasped was helpless, lifeless, breathless! and with a great shuddering sob of agony, he realised the full measure of his life's despair. Innocent was dead! and for her, as for the "Sieur Amadis," the quaint words shining above her in the morning sunlight were aptly fitted

She told him briefly what she knew of Marcella's doings since the arrival of Wharton's telegram of the night in the cottage, and the child's death. It was plain that he listened with a shuddering repulsion. "Do you know," he exclaimed, turning upon her, "that she may never recover this? Such a strain, such a horror! rushed upon so wantonly, so needlessly." "I understand.

"No doubt he betrays you, madame, and the prince also; the latter will be made his victim more easily than you." "Shame! shame!" cried Mdlle. de Cardoville, on a sudden, as she rose, all her features contracted with painful anger. "After such a piece of treachery, it is enough to make us doubt of everything even of ourselves." "Oh, madame! is it not dreadful?" said Mother Bunch, shuddering.

"Oh, no," said Anty, at last, shuddering in horror at the remembrance of the last night she passed in Dunmore House, "I cannot go back to live with him, but I'll do anything else, av' he'll only lave me, and my kind, kind friends, in pace and quiet." "Indeed, and you won't, Anty," said the widow; "you'll do nothing for him.

He should have taken her away, even if it were to lie down and die of starvation in the gutters of Chicago's streets! And now oh, it could not be true; it was too monstrous, too horrible. It was a thing that could not be faced; a new shuddering seized him every time he tried to think of it. No, there was no bearing the load of it, there was no living under it.

Then, as Armande de Fleury, before uttering a note, reels, wavers, turns white as snow and falls dead upon the floor, the Duchess breathes a sigh of relief. The Duchess had poisoned her. Then the guests crowd about the piano, gazing with bated breath, and shuddering as they look upon the music rack and observe that the song that Armande came so near singing is "Sweet Marie."

He was not dead; that paragraph in the paper telling her so was false; he did not die, such as he could not die; he was alive alive a convict within those prison walls; a living, breathing man with that same look she remembered so well, shuddering as she remembered it, 'Lina's father and her own husband!

'No no! she faltered, shuddering, with her expanded eyes fixed on her husband. 'He is too terrible no, no! 'You are sure? 'Quite sure! replied the poor broken-spirited Countess. But her natural elasticity asserted itself. Next morning he again inquired of her: 'Do you love him now? She quailed under his gaze, but did not reply. 'That means that you do still, by G ! he continued.