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Dean's usually placid face was stern from her effort to repress her feelings, but there was a glance of mother-love in her eyes and a slight quivering of her lips as she bade him a quiet good-by. But it was Kate's pale, sweet face that nearly broke his own composure as he turned to her, last of all. Their hands clasped and they looked silently into each other's eyes for an instant.

"I stood there before her daughter, whose mind was a perfect transcript of her own, a stricken, self-condemned creature, overcome by emotions which I struggled in vain to repress. "Margaret perceived the advantage she had gained, and taking my passive hand led me from the room. "Slowly we paced, up the marble staircase into the drawing-room, where we found Sir Alexander reading at a table.

Thus it will be seen that the brutality Heppner displayed at home he could successfully repress when on duty. But the most remarkable thing about this man, who behaved like a brute to his wife, and had no affection for his comrades, was the metamorphosis he underwent if the horses were in question. Towards those beautiful animals he showed an almost womanly tenderness.

"What is the cause of complaint, sir?" ventured the interested lawyer, scarcely able to repress a smile.

"Do I repent of it! That is to say he deserved to be poisoned by the bread I gave him." M. Daburon was unable to repress a gesture of surprise, which did not escape the old fellow's notice. "Hear, before you condemn me," he continued. "There was I at twenty-five, imposing upon myself the severest privations for the sake of my father, no more friends, no more flirtations, nothing.

"I did get it from a damsel, and that is why I called it a dulcimer, but she didn't sing of Mount Abora. I wish I could remember the year." "I think it was in 1894," said Judith quietly. Pasquale, who had been completely unaware of Judith's existence until half an hour before, could not repress a stare of polite surprise. "I believe you are right. In fact, you are. But how can you tell?"

How I have hoped and prayed and now!" She bent over, with her face on the table, in a vain effort to conceal and repress her grief. Lord James leaned forward, eagerly insistent. "You must listen to me. He has not had fair play. Such a gallant fight as he was making! I believe he would have won, I really believe he would have won, had it not been for that woman."

The echoing notes reverberated weirdly among the brooding rocks. Suddenly his foot struck something something hard. He looked down, and could not repress a start. There at his feet, grinning up at him, lay a human skull nay, more, a well-nigh complete skeleton. It was a gruesome find under the circumstances.

Van Roon talked continuously, revealing a deep, knowledge of all sorts of obscure matters; and in the brief intervals, Nayland Smith talked also, with almost feverish rapidity. Plans for the future were discussed. I can recall no one of them. I could not stifle my queer sentiments in regard to the mulatto, and every time I found him behind my chair I was hard put to it to repress a shudder.

I'm told that Mr Palliser and Mr Grey have become great friends, and if this is so, Alice must be happy to feel that she has had it in her power to confer so great a benefit on her future husband as he will receive from this introduction." "I ain't a bit happy, and I have conferred no benefit on Mr Grey," exclaimed Alice, who was unable to repress the anger occasioned by the last paragraph.