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I am requested by her to thank you for your connivance passive, of course in this pious falsehood. She felt that she could only show her profound gratitude by telling you the whole truth and relying upon your discretion." "Where is Mademoiselle Marianina?" "As Monsieur de Lanty told you, in a convent in Italy. To avoid scandal, it was thought best to send her to some safe retreat.

It is certain, therefore, that in all our notions of morals we never entertain such an absurdity as that of passive obedience, but make allowances for resistance in the more flagrant instances of tyranny and oppression. The general opinion of mankind has some authority in all cases; but in this of morals it is perfectly infallible.

The passive heroism of the armies excited to frenzy, like millions of ants absorbed in the general mass, the servility of Assemblies, despising the head of their Government, but sustaining him by their votes, even at the risk of an explosion brought about by one "bolter," the sulky but well-drilled submission of even the liberal Parties, sacrificing their very reason for existence to the absurd fetish of abstract unity.

A marriage was planned for him with Penelope Devereux, sister of the famous Earl of Essex, one of the thousand fair and unfortunate women who flit across the page of history leaving only a name, and that written in tears. But Philip's father grew cool in the negotiation, and Philip himself was perfectly passive.

It will not necessarily displace those earlier loves, but it will establish other ties. But you must be passive and receptive. No cathedral so demands surrender. You must sink on its bosom. S. Mark's façade is, I think, more beautiful in the mass than in detail.

Indeed, this characterization seemed just enough, in view of the passive way in which Hillsboro received what was done for it during the months which followed. It was the passivity of stupefaction, however, as one marvel after another was revealed to them.

Her long solitude and sufferings justify haste. What you said was true. Sheer weariness and distraction have driven her to me. She was quite passive at last, and agreed to anything I proposed such is the persuasive force of trained logical reasoning! A good and wise woman, she perceived what a true shelter from sadness was offered in me, and was not the one to despise Heaven's gift.

She was going to an evening party, and though usually passive as to dress, she was so changeable and difficult to satisfy that Grindstone grew cross, and showed it by stern, rigid obedience. And Cecil well knew that Grindstone; who was in authority in the present house, hated the return to be merely the visitor of Alston and Jenkins.

"All created things are grief and pain," he who knows and sees this becomes passive in pain; this is the way that leads to purity. "All forms are unreal," he who knows and sees this becomes passive in pain; this is the way that leads to purity.

He lifted her passive hand to his lips, passed into their little parlor, and closed the door. Grace turned to her nurse, and in low, almost passionate utterance, said: "Now tell me all." "Lor' bress you, Missy Grace, it 'ud take a right smart time to tell yer all.