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"Oh, bress yo' for dat, Massa Tom!" cried the negro, whom Tom recognized as a worthless character about the town. "I didn't go fo' to do nuffin', Massa Tom. I were jest goin' t' look in de coop, t' count an' see how many fowls mah friend Eradicate had, an' den " "Yes, and then I tie you!" broke in Koku. "You collared him, I guess you mean to say," spoke Tom with a laugh.

His faith was so absolute that he that was petitioned became a living presence to those who listened. "God bless you, whoever you are," said the sick man. "Oh, that does me good! It's less dark. It seems to me that I've got hold of a hand that can sustain me." "Bress de Lord!" ejaculated an old negress who sat in a distant corner. "I install this young man as your nurse to-night," said Dr.

"'Pears as ef 'twas a drefful t'ing fur de poor chile ter be suff'rin' so," she would sigh to herself as she watched his worn and heavy face on her passages through the room; "but Hagar's t'ankful 'nough to see it, 'cause de poor chile'll find de Lord bimeby. Bress de Lord! Mas'r Dick'll find him some time!" A long and weary week passed away.

"Bress my two eyes, Miss Sybil! how glad dey is to see you, and you too, Marse Lyon!" exclaimed a very black, short, squarely built, good-humored looking negro coachman, as he came and bowed to his master and mistress. "Joe! you have been at your old tricks again. Joe! why can't you let bar-rooms alone?

But I suppose you can't do that, if the boys are going to case them up, as they told me they intended doing." "Why, bress your soul, Mah'sr John, ye needn't be 'fraid o' my techin' 'em off. I wouldn't no more put a finger on 'em dan I'd pull de trigger ov a hoss pistol." "There isn't really any danger in having these instruments in the house, is there, father?" asked Kate, when she and Mr.

"You remember him then, Peter; he had a light moustache, a pleasing mouth a very nice young man we thought him to be." "Yas, yas, dar's whar de mistake come in, wit dat 'ar mustaff," said Matthias dreamily. "What mistake?" she said. "Oh! de good Lord bress you, honey, what does you want of dis man?" "I want to tell him something, and I heard he was here, and now will you find him for me?"

I see through all your talk, but I know you'll feel bad if you can't carry out your purpose. You'll have a better dinner, too." "Yeh, yeh, she knows a heap moah'n me," thought Aun' Sheba when alone, "but I know some tings too, bress her heart. I kin see dat her cheeks am pale and thin an' dat her eyes am gettin' so big and brack dat her purty face am like a little house wid big winders.

"Bress yer, Missy Flory! am yer alive!" exclaimed the bewildered negro. Flora laughed, and, drawing off her glove, shook hands with him. "Now you know I'm alive, Tom. But don't tell anybody. Where's Missy Rosy gone." "O Missy," replied Tom, "dar am heap ob tings to tell." Mrs. Delano suggested that it was not a suitable place; and Tom said he must go home with his master's carriage.

'Why, bress mah soul, he say, 'some of dem come down yisterday wid anurr order, he say. 'Dey's marked Roman candles, he say, 'an' de bill says foh colors, he say. But, 'course, dat don' mean nuthin' to him or Zack. "Den de weddin' night come on. Zack wuz so stuck on hisse'f wid a swaller-tail coat what didn' fit, an' Bible what he couldn' read, dar warn't no gittin' nigh 'im.

At this every darkey within hearing would roll out, in admirable consonance with the pitch, air and time started by the leader "O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!" Then would ring out from the leader as from the throbbing lips of a silver trumpet, "Lord bress him soul; I done hope he is happy now!" And the antiphonal two hundred would chant back "O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!" And so on for hours.