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"Waal, sir!" he said, more hurt and cast down than one would have deemed possible. "I'm willin' ter hev it so. I'm jes nuthin' but a sinner an' a fool, ripenin' fur damnation, an' he air a saint o' the yearth!" Now such sayings as this were frequent upon Job Grinnell's tongue. He did not believe them; their utility was in their challenge to contradiction.

It was Gettysburg who climbed up the slope, and anchored himself in their path. "What you doin'?" he said to the rod-man presently, when that tired individual approached and continued on his way. "What does it look like playing checkers?" said the man. "Can't the Government do nuthin' run no county line ner nuthin' without everybody sittin' up to notice?"

Teddy," said she, "I'd be glad if you'd give th' old clock in the parlour a bit of a look. 'Tis going, and it strikes well and hearty; but the hour-hand won't do nuthin' but point at six." And leading the way, she went across to the parlour door and rapped and entered.

"Sure, you can stay thar fer a year an' a day an' nuthin' but tarant'las an' rattlers ull ever bother ye," said old McGee cheerfully. The cases they had brought were quickly unloaded and lowered into the arroyo which led down to where they could see the turgid flood of the Colorado flowing between low banks.

He had heard all that passed between them, and of course felt a thrill at the idea of some ferocious wild beast prowling around the tents. Hardly had the other pair withdrawn before Nuthin started after them. He might be a rather timid boy by nature; but when there was anything going on Nuthin could not rest content unless he placed himself in a position where he could see or hear perhaps both.

Whatever might be the plans of "Black Bart" and his cronies, Keith was soon convinced they were unknown to Hicks, who had evidently been deceived into thinking that this last arrest had created no excitement. "That's why we picked yer up so early," he explained, genially. "Bart said if we got to yer afore the boys woke up they'd never hear nuthin' 'bout it, an' so thar wouldn't be no row.

Brent asked, more to keep from laughing than from any particular interest in the mountaineer just then. "In the library, as usual," answered the Colonel, "digging out analects." Timmie, overhearing this, wheeled about. "Mah sakes alive," she cried, a look of horror coming into her face. "You never had nuthin' lak dat in yoh house while I 'uz tendin' to it, Marse John!

"No." "Did they look beneath the ashes?" "They searched every nook and corner, and even sifted the ashes, but could find nothing." "An' didn't Billy say nuthin'?" "No, he was too weak. He tried to speak after the parson had carried him out, but no one could understand him." Tony did not speak for a while, but remained lost in thought. "Steve," he at length remarked.

"An' she sez, 'Yes, an' put her head on he shoulder an' begin to cry; an' he sez: "'Well, I won' stan' between yo' no longer. Write to 'im an' say so. "We didn' know nuthin' 'bout dis den.

All to onct I discovered a grizzly on the tudder end o' the ledge. We was both sitooated, as the sayin' is, so I couldn't pass the bear an' he couldn't pass me. I had fired my gun an' missed him. When I tried to pass by he riz up an' growled an' when he tried to pass me I swung my gun a-tryin' to knock off his head. An' so we had it fer about an hour, nip an' tuck, an' nobuddy doin' nuthin."