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"That kiss is a seal," continued her stepmother; "ef you break yer promise, you'll remember as you kissed the lips of her who is dead, and the feel 'ull haunt you, and you'll never know a moment's happiness. But you're a good girl, Cecile a good, dependable child, and I'm not afeared for you. And now, my dear, you has made the promise, and I has got to give you directions.

One kilted Scot passed us leading a young cow. He paid no heed to the jests and the noisy whistling of "To be a Farmer's Boy" that greeted him. "The milk 'ull be a' richt the morn's morn, ye ken," was his comfortable retort. And once a red-headed Yorkshireman broke the strain of the wait under shell-fire by calling out, "It's a good job we're winnin'!"

Hit ull be like ole times agin, when Rome was hyeh. Whut's the matter, boy?" he asked, suddenly. Isom looked unresponsive, listless. "Air ye gittin' sick agin?" "Well, I hain't feelin' much peert, Steve." "Take keer o' yourself, boy. Don't git sick now. We'll have to watch Eli Crump purty close.

Martin rolled his head from side to side, but said nothing. "Ye'll be able to start fresh next Club Day," resumed his spouse cheerily. "Happen th' gout 'ull mak' an end on poor owd Robert first, though." Martin looked at her with a startled air. "Happen it will," he assented doubtfully; "ah, it 'ud ha' been a fine thing if I could ha' stolen a march on th' owd lad this time!

'My Pretty, says I, for she was cryin' pitiful, 'don't 'e take on so, don't: there'll be the little baby by-and-by, and us 'ull love it as dear as if you'd been married in church twenty times over. 'Ah, but father, says she; 'he'll kill me when 'e knows.

My own boys doan't know, and ain't a-going to; not as they would say a word as would harm Polly for worlds, but as they gets a bit bigger and takes to drink, there's no saying what mightn't slip out when they are in liquor. So you and oi and Bill be the only ones as ull ever know the ins and outs o' that there business." The night was a wild one.

"In Kitely's room. Safe and sound. There's no danger. He'll not wake. I mixed him a glass of toddy before he went to bed, and neither earthquakes nor fire-alarms 'ull wake him before nine o'clock tomorrow morning." "Whew!" said Christopher. "Um! it's a dangerous game it's harbouring, you know. However, they'd suspect that he'd come here. Whatever made him come here?"

'He can, says thicky man. 'And love? I says; and 'No, says he straight, 'he cannot. But he can learn the way of it; and that 'ull teach him to do wi'out lust. 'Tis a wise thought, the like of that, I allow." The gamekeeper paused for the murmurs of his auditory to circle about the tap-room, swell and subside, and then brought out his conclusion. There was book-learning to be faced.

"Ah, hoo'd happen get to hear on 't if I went yonder; aye, the brass 'ull coom in reet 'nough. I'll say nought about that." He continued his courting assiduously during the ensuing week, and on the Sunday he and Margaret were "shouted" for the second time. The ecstasy of his friends knew no bounds. Was there ever such a chap as Ted for a marlock? How long would he keep it up? they wondered.

I wonder you could kneel in your place and say 'Lord have mercy upon us, knowing what you'd been up to" Martha's tears flowed freely "and it's sad to think you've kept yourself straight for years as you say, and then gone wrong at last, just because you hadn't patience to wait for your lawful wedding ... and all the scandal there's been and ull be, and folks talking at you and at me ... and you be off now, and tell Mrs.