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"No, Jane, an' it's such a splendid one. That lovely grocer man " "Ugh!" interrupted the woman, with a derisive shrug of her shoulders. "You're the beatin'est child for seein' handsomeness where 'tain't." "Oh, I 'member you don't like him much, 'cause onct he give short measure o' flour, or somethin', but he is good an' I didn't mean purty, an' just listen!"

Keep marchin' distance 19 inches from back to breast. Come along, Pete. I ain't a-goin' to lose you, no matter what happens." "Sarjint," gasped flarry Joslyn, after they had gone a couple of miles, "don't you call this purty fast marchin'?" "Naah," said Si contemptuously. "We're just crawlin' along. Wait till we git where it's a little clear, and then we'll go.

But having distinguished company, all hands washed this morning before squatting for breakfast. While we were eating, Fremont asked whose boy I was. Uncle Kit replied that I was his boy, and "a first-class hunter and trapper, and he shoots Injuns purty well, too." He then related the incident of my killing the two Utes. All arrangements having been made, Uncle Kit agreeing to meet Col.

Hollis bit her lip and heroically refrained from expressing her mind. "He's a mighty purty chile," said Aunt Melvy, tentatively. "He's a common tramp," said Mrs. Hollis. After supper, arranging a tray with a snowy napkin and a steaming bowl of broth, Mrs. Hollis went up to the sick-room.

Down home, one time," put in a second, "there was a vaquero with a red sash that was stoopin' to fix a flank girth, and " "Why, that ain't a two-spot to what happened in Kansas a year ago this summer. The purtiest gal I ever seen you know them Kansas gals can be purty she had a wig that'd keep your hands warm in January. Well "

Her candle was burning and the hearthstones had an extra coat of whitewash. She drew me up close beside her and told me a story. "Once, a long, long time ago, God, feelin' tired, went to sleep an' had a nice wee nap on His throne. His head was in His han's an' a wee white cloud came down an' covered him up. Purty soon He wakes up an' says He: "'Where's Michael?

Purty as them china figures you might buy off Cheap Jack, an' just so tender. She'd come up to dinky gals no bigger 'n herself an' pull out her li'l handkercher an' ax 'em to be so kind as to blaw her nose for her! Now Will's gone, Lard knaws wheer she'll drift to." "To John Grimbal. Any man could see that. Her father's set on it."

Desayuna is a slight early meal. "Has any of you heard of Dubrosc on the route?" I inquired of my comrades. No; nothing had been heard of him since the escape of Lincoln. "Faix, Captain," said the Irishman, "it's meself that thinks Mister Dubrosc won't throuble any ov us any more. It was a purty lick that same, ayquil to ould Donnybrook itself."

"Ay tank it blow purty soon purty hard," replied the Swede, and that was all that she could get out of him. She had come to the conclusion that he spoke no other English, and so she ceased to importune him for information; but never did she forget to greet him pleasantly or to thank him for the hideous, nauseating meals he brought her.

The hunchback closed his hand and pressed his thumb up under his chin. "High frollickin' notions," he said, "are all mighty purty to make meetin'-house talk, but they're short horses when you try to ride 'em. It all depends on where you're at. If you're settin' up to the Lord's table, you must dip with your spoon, but if you're suppin' with the devil, you can eat with your fingers."