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"And look here," I interrupted, wrathfully, "Why does she always give us sums about an apple-woman, or a muffin-man? It just makes a chap hungry. Why doesn't she make one up about a dentist for a change, or somethin' like that?" "Yes," assented Angel, catching at the idea.

The young manager pointed down toward the earth, over which the craft was then skimming, though at no great height. "It is the lumberyard!" exclaimed Mr. Baxter presently. "It sure is," assented Tom. "I know I haven't enough stuff to cover as big a blaze as that, but I'll do my best. Fortunately there is no wind to speak of," he added, as he guided the craft in the direction of the fire.

She paid for the ribbon, and presently returned. "Does your head feel any better, Rachel?" asked Mrs. Harding. "A little," answered Rachel. "You've been sewing too steady lately, perhaps?" suggested Martha. "Perhaps I have," assented Rachel. "You ought to spare yourself. You can't stand work as well as when you were younger," said Martha, innocently.

"Bah!" exclaimed Mr. Wilberfloss. "Go on, boss," urged Mr. Jarvis approvingly. "It's to de good, dat stuff." "There!" said Psmith triumphantly. "You heard? Comrade Jarvis, one of the most firmly established critics east of Fifth Avenue, stamps Kid Brady's reminiscences with the hall-mark of his approval." "I falls fer de Kid every time," assented Mr. Jarvis. "Assuredly, Comrade Jarvis.

I have explained to him that I would rather perish than that he should sacrifice himself; but he is pleased to say that it is no sacrifice. At any rate he so wishes it, and as Mrs. Orme has cordially assented, I feel myself bound to fall in with his views. It was only yesterday that Sir Peregrine made his offer. I mention this that you may know that I have lost no time in telling you.

Supposing that there is a life after this, how can it be denied to one and bestowed upon another because one has assented to a certain supernatural claim and another has refused to do so? That does not seem reasonable, it does not seem right. Why should you base your conclusion as to that life upon a promise and a menace which may not really refer to it in the sense which they seem to have?"

"She'll be on her way further afield, now. You can get anywhere from Ecclesborough, of course." "Of course!" assented Polke. "She would be in any one of half a dozen big towns within a couple of hours in some of 'em within an hour in London itself within three. This'll be another case of printing a description. I wish we'd thought of keeping an eye on her before!"

"Well, don't you be gittin' a regular habit of comin' 'round to the Queeringtons!" was Myrtella's parting shot as he rose unsteadily. "When I got anything to say to you I'll come here." "That's right!" assented Phineas cordially; "you jes' make yourself at home. My home is your home.

The professor of Comparative Literature approached him and took a chair at his side. "I want to talk with you, Mr. Magee," he said. "A welcome diversion," assented Magee, his eyes still on the room. "I have discussed matters with Miss Thornhill," said the professor in a low voice. "She has convinced me that in this affair you have acted from a wholly disinterested point of view.

A party of English soldiers, sent out to get some information, had come upon the three escaping prisoners, and, a little later, Bob, Roger and Jimmy were being well cared for while they told their story of what had happened. "And so we blew their nasty dump to bits; eh, lad?" asked an English lieutenant, or "leftenant," as they are called. "Yes," assented Jimmy.