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I peen not more than a year younger as you vos yourselluf! Don'd you git so bersonal in my remarks!" Then he saw Barney Mulloy, who was standing near, a broad grin on his face. With a howl, Hans flung the carpetbag and the flute straight up into the air. "Id vos Parney!" he shouted. "Id vos dot Irish pogtrotter!"

There were patches of snow by the side of the road. It all looked very dismal, for the house was closed, as the family did not come back until June, and only the care-takers were living in the back part of the house. It was where Clara lived in the summer. She was the children's most intimate friend. She was a little more than a year younger than Peggy and about a year older than Alice.

The younger passed his days in a continuous capering, indulging in death-defying leaps, climbing trees, walking on his hands and performing acrobatic stunts from all the door transoms.

"Whether or no she cares to accept the prince's homage is wholly and solely my wife's affair. If she finds any pleasure in it I certainly will lay no commands upon her." "Your enviable confidence in your wife should be an example to younger husbands," replied the princess, angry that her arrow had missed its aim.

"Sanjaya said, 'Hear, O king, how it had happened. The intelligent younger brother of Daruka soon brought unto Satyaki another car, duly equipped with all necessaries.

My brother was much older than we were; there had been several children between us, who had died in their infancy, so that he was in the sixth form of a large public school whilst we were children in the nursery. 'My sister Lucy was a year younger than I was. She was such a pretty child, and had a very sweet disposition.

You see I could not even die when fate was unwilling. Now I shall burn my body at some holy place, that I may not again feel the woes of poverty." Then the younger brothers said to him: "Sir, why is an intelligent man sad for lack of money? Do you not know that money is uncertain as an autumn cloud?

"He was not to say a tall man; and he wasn't so turrible short neither. His back was as round as a Bible. A kind of pepper and saltish beard he had, and his hair was blacker than his beard but white in streaks." "A dark man, was he?" "He would be a dark man if he was younger." "The man I want is blue-eyed."

Stray joints of clumsy fishing-rods; artificial baits; a pair of worn-out top-boots, in which one of the urchins, whooping and shouting, buried himself up to the middle; moth-eaten, stained, and ragged, the collegian's gown-relic of the dead man's palmy time; a bag of carpenter's tools, chiefly broken; a cricket-bat; an odd boxing-glove; a fencing-foil, snapped in the middle; and, more than all, some half-finished attempts at rude toys: a boat, a cart, a doll's house, in which the good-natured Caleb had busied himself for the younger ones of that family in which he had found the fatal ideal of his trite life.

"Curly?" says the old lady, not knowing who that was me. "Oh, Curly's a dear," says Katherine then. "He's a cowboy, or was when he was younger; but he isn't young now. And he can ride any sort of horse living, and rope things I think he must be the stableman." "Indeed he isn't," says Bonnie Bell. "He's our foreman." They didn't know what that was, being city people; so she told them.