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Wiley would have opportunity to tell the bystanders of a "turrible jam" on the Kennebec that had cost the Lumber Company ten thousand dollars to break. There would be great arguments on shore, among the villagers as well as among the experts, as to the particular log which might be a key to the position.

"As I was sayin'," continued the old man, peacefully, "I've seen things on the Kennebec that would n't happen on a small river, an' I've be'n in turrible places an' taken turrible resks resks that would 'a' turned a Saco River man's hair white; but them is the times when my wits work the quickest. I remember once I was smokin' my pipe when a jam broke under me.

En didn't I bust up agin a lot er dem islands en have a turrible time en mos' git drownded? Now ain' dat so, boss ain't it so? You answer me dat." "Well, this is too many for me, Jim. I hain't seen no fog, nor no islands, nor no troubles, nor nothing. I been setting here talking with you all night till you went to sleep about ten minutes ago, and I reckon I done the same.

He did not want to wrong this man he had grown to like, but a sense of duty lashed him on. "The Lord knows, Mr. Thornly," he faltered, "I don't want t' make any mistakes. It's turrible confusin' when you try t' label folks. The same acts mean different 'cordin' t' the handlin', an' a good man an' a bad man bear a powerful likeness t' each other on the outside, sometimes.

Alcestis came to his senses in ten or fifteen minutes, and seemed as bright as usual: with a kind of added swagger at being the central figure in a dramatic situation. "I wonder you hedn't stove your brains out, when you landed so turrible suddent on that rock at the foot of the bank," said Mr. Wiley to him.

He said cheerfully, "Why, I don't rightly know, ma'am. Nobody's ever seen him." "Nobody?" "Nope. Nobody. Does everything by mail." "My goodness, what's the matter with him?" "Don't rightly know, ma'am. Story is he was once a professor and got in some kind of big explosion. Burned the hide off'n his face and scarred up his hands something turrible, so he don't want to show himself.

He asked Mabel if she was prepared to hear something that would shock her turrible, something that would undermine her confidence in human natur'. She was a good deal upset, and no wonder, but she braced up and let on that she guessed she could stand it. So then he told her that her dad and her had been deceived, that that house wa'n't his nor Mrs.

Monty fixed Ed Linton, all right. Usually Ed is easy-goin' an' cool. But now he's on the rampage. Wal, mebbe it's news to you to learn that Ed's wife is powerful, turrible jealous of him. Ed was somethin' of a devil with the wimmen. Monty goes over an' tells Beulah that's Ed's wife that Ed is goin' to have for caddie the lovely Miss Dorothy with the goo-goo eyes.

"No, Maggie, I don't know, really, what I am going to do truly I don't. Business is so turrible dull! Why, I don't earn enough to pay my rent, hardly, now, ter say nothin' of my feed." Miss Maggie frowned. "But I thought that Hattie ISN'T Hattie having some new dresses and Bessie, too?" A sigh passed Miss Flora's lips. "Yes, oh, yes; they are having three or four.

"You'd ought 'o gone for him yourself, you big lump," she retorted. Mrs. Meeker, who was as big as her husband, greeted Norcross warmly, and made a place for him beside her own chair. "Highst along there, boys, and give the company a chance," she commanded, sharply. "Our dinner's turrible late to-day."