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There was the time on Wall Street when Norcross, by a lift of his finger, a deflection of his eye, might have put his cousin and only known relative on the right side of the market. He withheld the sign, and his cousin lost. The survivors in Norcross's circle of friends understood this perfectly; it was why they survived.

The news was about by the time the market opened yesterday, and L.D. and M. made the record jump of the year, going to 76 and closing strong at 75-1/2. It scarcely went below that point to-day, and at two o'clock touched its highest notch 76-3/4. Considerable criticism of Norcross was heard on the street to-day.

"So anxious to be a gentleman that you forgit to be a man!" remarked Rosalie with asperity. "Now you listen to me. I've told you that she's held two materializing seances for Robert H. Norcross, haven't I? I've told you it is crooked materialization even if there was such a thing as real cabinet spooks, which there ain't because I found the ceiling trap an' the apparatus long ago. And if Mrs.

But they will have no advantage over me, for none of the syndicate, I take it, know of the counterfeits as yet, except Norcross and the inevitable Checkers. But at that, I don't think they will resort to violence. We are too strong for them, at the ranch, at least I believe they will use diplomacy." "Well, we can play at the game ourselves. There, perhaps, I can help you." "You bet you can.

His parents had come out to California as far back as 1850, Norcross' father being engaged in mining, lumbering and farming. Frank Norcross had his preliminary education at Huffakers, and had early evinced a literary turn of mind when as a comparative youth he received the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Twenty years later the University conferred upon him the honorary degree of Doctor of Law.

Now listen and git this carefully: You're to wear a big ulster and old hat and soft-soled shoes don't forget that. You're to come to the back door at a quarter to nine exactly. Us servants receive our callers at the back door. Norcross will be in the parlor at half past, Annette will be in her room, the other help will be out, Ellen and all. Mrs.

When, on Wednesday, the directors of the L.D. and M. adjourned without declaring a dividend, that stock, which had advanced somewhat owing to the speculative trading of the past three weeks, fell from 56 to 50, and closed weak at 49-1/4. Directly after the close of the exchange, Norcross, as though by program, reconvened the directors, who declared a dividend of one and one-half per cent.

The door being open, Norcross perceived from the threshold a young clerk at work on a typewriter, while in a corner close by the window another and older man was working intently on a map. "Is this the office of the Forest Supervisor?" asked the youth. The man at the machine looked up, and pleasantly answered: "It is, but the Supervisor is not in yet. Is there anything I can do for you?"

It enclosed an exquisite miniature a young woman, blonde, pretty in a blue-eyed, innocent way, but characterless, too a face upon which life had left nothing, so that even the great painter who made the miniature from a photograph had illuminated it only with technical skill. "Don't tell me what you think of her," Norcross said quietly; "I prefer to keep my own ideas.

"Take this revolver and keep order for me. Annette ought not to stand any longer." Still keeping her head on his shoulder, he seated her beside him on a couch. "She has never heard this before, Mr. Norcross, and you must know what a shock she is suffering. This is a desperate case, and it required a desperate remedy. That accounts for this drama to-night. Mme.