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Then ag'in it would be beneath the dignity of a high grade savage an' a big medicine sharp to conduct himse'f like he'd miss so trivial a thing as a squaw. "But ontil Sunbright fulfils her elopement projects an' establishes herse'f onder the protectin' wing of her new love, she's runnin' resks.

I says to myself, I reckon a body that ups and tells the truth when he is in a tight place is taking considerable many resks, though I ain't had no experience, and can't say for certain; but it looks so to me, anyway; and yet here's a case where I'm blest if it don't look to me like the truth is better and actuly SAFER than a lie.

"'The Old Man claps Edson onder arrest an' commands the girl to saddle up an' go streakin' for the Plaza Chico. As it's only a slow day's march an' as these Mexicans knows the country like a coyote, it's a cinch the girl meets no harm an' runs no resks. But it serves to plant the thorns of wrath in the heart of Captain Edson.

She's a favourwright too; but dey's sumpin' else in dis worl' sides playin' favourwrights. Jim bettah had win dis race. His hoss ain't a five to one shot, but I spec's to go way fum hyeah wid money ernuff to mek a donation on de pa'sonage. "Does I bet? Well, I don' des call hit bettin'; but I resks a little w'en I t'inks I kin he'p de cause.

"On my place!" Uncle William was roused. "No, sir, I don't give mortgages to nobody." "Then I don't see as I can let you hev it," said Andy. "It's fair to ask for a mortgage. What if anything should happen to ye down there in New York? Where'd I be?" He looked at him reproachfully. "You would miss me, Andy, and I know it. I'm goin' to be careful. I shan't take no more resks 'n I have to."

There was a silence for a moment, then the first voice said: "No, not that away. Listen! It's somebody comin' up the road on foot. I reckon it's a friend, but I don't take no resks." The two men stepped quickly to the wagon and took out a couple of rifles. Then they stood motionless behind the wagon and horse. Westerfelt heard the regular step of some one coming up the road.

Thar's so many more on 'em layin' fur me all the time, thet the prospects keeps gittin' brighter every day thet by-an'-by they'll fetch me. the arrant I'm a-gwine on now is too important ter take any resks 'bout. I'm sartin to git the information thet Gineral Rosy wants, but whether I kin git hit back ter him is ruther dubersome. I must hev 'some help. Will ye jine in with me?"

"Twenty of them, their names are here, and some scattered in between that I haven't put down, to be picked up as they fall in handy, see?" "And you're aimin' to keep clear, and stand back in the shadder, like you always have done," growled Mark. "Well, I ain't goin' to ram my neck into no sheriff's loop for nobody's business but my own from now on. I'm through with resks, just to be obligin'."

Sech approvals ever tends to stiffen a gent's play. As I states, I reeverses this practitioner an' heads him t'other way. Wolfville is the home of friendly confidence; the throne of yoonity an' fraternal peace. It must not be jeopardised. We-all don't want to incur no resks by abandonin' ourse'fs to real shore-enough law.

"The resks in life come along fast enough, without runnin' to meet 'em," continued the old man. "There's good dough in Rose, but it ain't more'n half riz. Let somebody come along an' drop in a little more yeast, or set the dish a little mite nearer the stove, an' you'll see what 'll happen." "Steve's kept house for himself some time, an' I guess he knows more about bread-makin' than you do."