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"Sorry I can't, lad," said the captain, with a grin, "got a cabin boy already." "Besides, your father would not let you," said Mrs Trench, "and it would never do to go without his leave. Only misfortune could come of that." "Humph! it's very hard," pouted the boy. "I wanted him to get me into the navy, and he wouldn't; and now I want him to get me into the merchant service, and he won't.

His long projecting teeth were almost constantly displayed by an habitual grin. Although the emaciated muscles of this man were almost reduced to the condition of tendons, he was of extraordinary strength. The most robust resisted with difficulty the grasp of his long arms and long, bony fingers. It could be called the grasp of an iron skeleton.

With a grin at Virginia he snickered: "I told you being late was the proper thing." Virginia turned to the butler. Anxiously she said: "Isn't there some mistake?" Oku shook his head, and throwing open the door of the salon, motioned to them to enter. "Excuse, please, but there is no mistake," he grinned. "Mr.

He was a tall, thin boy, with a wide, cheerful grin, and four children pouncing upon him at once could not shake his self-possession. "Got two sleds," he said impressively. "Mrs. Blossom said to send 'em right up. Where do you want them?" "Put them down there on the rug," directed Mother Blossom, smiling. "Don't you want to come in and get warm, Ted?"

"I know," said Morgan, all at once with a broad grin, as he was sloping some boards lately cut from a tree over the sleeping negro. "Know what?" I said. "What young sooty's a thinking. He's a young canny ball, and he believes we're going to make a fire and roast 'em for a feast."

She said nothing, though he was sure a flush was creeping into her cheeks. "I sorter thought that 'ud stagger you," Webb said with a significant grin. "Me? I don't see why." Dolly was fighting for perfect composure under trying circumstances, considering her uncle's mischievous stare. "Well, I do, if you don't, Miss Dolly," he tittered.

I was afraid it was a roast, after all," sighed Danny Grin. "Take that fellow away and muzzle him," ordered Greg, then proceeded to read the other sections of the headlines. By this time Greg had a very attentive audience. Even Tom Reade had ceased to scoff. "Oh, bosh!" gasped Dick, when Greg was about one third of the way through the column article. "Isn't it true?" demanded Dave.

"If you try to hold him, I won't be responsible for what I do!" "I can tell you what you'll do, if you try to mix in at all where Mr. Farnum is busy," retorted Jack, facing his foe with a savage grin. Nevertheless, Don, espying a stick of wood lying on the ground, snatched it up, then tried to dart around Captain Jack in order to get at Mr.

On arriving on the spot, he found his suspicions were too well grounded; for whom did he see but the ghost of Bogandoran apparently ready waiting him, and seeming by his ghastly grin not a little overjoyed at the meeting.

I haf written reports, describing the cheology of dis district, for the highest mining journals in the country; I haf tried to interest outside capital; and den, for my pay, when some chentleman comes to camp, he tells him dat I am a barber!" The Professor paused and swallowed fiercely, and as Denver broke into a grin the old man choked with fury.