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Then there were the cocktails to get ready, and the cigars and the floral decorations, with bouquets for the ladies and boutonnières for the men. Altogether, Oku had a busy day. But he was repaid when at half past six that evening he stood in the salon and cast a last glance over the banquet table to make sure that nothing had been forgotten.

Oyama had also received large reinforcements and now had 500,000 men under his command. These consisted of the armies under Kuroki, Nozdu and Oku, and the force of Nogi released by the capture of Port Arthur. General Grippenburg had command of one of the Russian armies and on January 25th took position on the left bank of the Hun River.

Shall you tell him?" "I certainly shall if you don't," replied Virginia firmly. Oku passed hurriedly through the room on his way to open the front door. "Excuse, please, excuse " Nervous at meeting her host, Fanny began to mop her face desperately. "I'm so nervous!" she said. "Do I shake hands with him when I'm introduced or just say 'pleased to meet you?" Virginia laughed heartily.

At that moment Oku re-entered the room, bearing in his hand a menu, which he handed to his master. Stafford glanced over it and nodded approvingly, then, taking out a pencil, he made one correction. This done, he handed it back. "I think that will do nicely. Have dinner served when ready." "Yes sir excuse, please." The butler was about to leave the room, when his master called him back.

And now arose a little difficulty. We started to communicate by wireless to General Oku the fact of our arrival in the bay, by code of course; but such was the Russian keenness and activity that the moment their own wireless picked up our message, as, of course, it was bound to do, finding that it was in a code which they could not decipher, they immediately proceeded to "mix" it so effectually that the reading of it became impossible.

Stafford he say to me over telephone he is very sorry, but there is big meeting and he not get away. He be here in half an hour." The girls looked at each other in dismay. Jimmie made a grimace. "Half an hour! Jumping Jupiter!" he exclaimed. "He say he is very sorry," went on Oku apologetically, "but will hurry quick as can.

"Not them," smiled Stafford, "me!" Draining the glass he handed it back. "Anything else?" asked the man politely. "No." "Then excuse, please! Excuse." The butler apologetically picked up his tray and started to go when his master stopped him. "Here!" Oku stopped, and his master made a sign to him to put the tray and ice-water on the table again. "You want me leave water?" "Yes!"

"Are you quite sure," he went on apologetically, "that I am forgiven for keeping you waiting? Believe me, it was absolutely unavoidable or it wouldn't have happened." "Oh, yes," rejoined Virginia quickly, "we're quite sure of that." The host turned to the Japanese butler, who was busy at the table, placing the empty cocktail glasses on the tray. "Did you explain thoroughly, Oku?" he asked.

"Oh, isn't it beautiful!" she exclaimed rapturously. The table, with its corbeils of fruit, beautiful silver, floral pieces, snowy linen, fine crystal, the whole dominated by a superb electrolier, which cast color over all, was indeed a spectacle to delight and fascinate the eye. Jimmie was so overcome by the sight, that he nearly fell over the chair which the accommodating Oku held out for him.

When, a little later, I went aboard the flagship to report myself and the result of my expedition to the Admiral, I learned that I had only got back just in the nick of time, for at last a communication had been received from General Oku, announcing that his preparations were now complete, and the squadron detached to assist him was under orders to leave for Kinchau Bay that very night.