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They were, he said, divided into two classes those who came to scoff, and those who came to steal. He did not want either sort. The rare music interested but a handful, and the audience that had come from London shivered in remembrance of the east wind which had accompanied their journey.

It was a dear scoff to Jock Matheson, when he called old Moll the uncanny carline of Blawhooly: his boat ran round and round in the centre of the Solway everybody said it was enchanted and down it went head foremost; and hadna Jock been a swimmer equal to a sheldrake, he would have fed the fish.

Together they brought the body down, and Doltaire followed it to the burying-ground; keeping the gravedigger at his task when he would have run away, and saying the responses to the priest in the short service read above the grave. I said to him then, "You rail at the world and scoff at men and many decencies, and yet you do these things!"

We too, who mock at Israel's golden calf And scoff at Egypt's sacred scarabee, Would have our amulets to clasp and kiss, And flood with rapturous tears, and bear with us To be our dear companions in the dust, Such magic works an image in our souls!

People pretend to scoff at such things, but they count." "Much would depend on the owner. If he broke the family traditions, defied our conventions, and made himself a joke " "Much would be forgiven him because he is a Dearham," Mrs. Halliday rejoined. "Still, of course, there is a limit and I see a risk.

In one of the huts I found a broken looking-glass; it was the only piece of furniture of the sort that I had yet seen among them. The woman who owned it was, I am sorry to say, peculiarly untidy and dirty, and so were her children: so that I felt rather inclined to scoff at the piece of civilized vanity, which I should otherwise have greeted as a promising sign.

There are those who scoff at the schoolboy, calling him frivolous and shallow: Yet it was the schoolboy who said "Faith is believing what you know ain't so." Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar. In Sydney I had a large dream, and in the course of talk I told it to a missionary from India who was on his way to visit some relatives in New Zealand.

You had begun by saying that you believed in palmistry, and then you proceeded to scoff at it. While you scoffed I saw myself as a man with a terribly good reason for NOT scoffing; and in a flash I saw the terribly good reason; I had the whole story at least I had the broad outlines of it clear before me." "You hadn't ever thought of it before?" He shook his head. My eyes beamed.

I ask you, in the name of God and of your country, will you draw your sword and go with me to Carlisle, were it but to lay your father's head, now the perch of the obscene owl and carrion crow and the scoff of every ribald clown, in consecrated earth as befits his long ancestry?

What other land possesses such a tongue that goes straight to the heart!" The colonel waved his faultless hands and then dropped them back upon the book with the tenderness of a benediction. "And their terms for texture pear's rind lime peel millet seed! Do not scoff at China, Mr. Donnegan. She is the fairy godmother, and we are the poor children."