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This had not the desired effect of drawing a reply from Elspeth, and he tried bluster. "You needna think as I'll repent, you brat, so there! What? "I wish I hadna told you about it!" Indeed, he had endeavored not to do so, but pride in his achievement had eventually conquered prudence. "Reddy would have laughed, she would, and said as I was a wonder. Reddy was the kind I like. What?

Dinmont, with whom I had the good fortune to form an accidental acquaintance "It was my gude fortune that," said Dinmont. "Odd, my brains wad hae been knockit out by twa black-guards if it hadna been for his four quarters." "Shortly after we parted at the town of I lost my baggage by thieves, and it was while residing at Kippletringan I accidentally met the young gentleman.

"He gave me six days in the court," said Jess Mitchell, who had had a difference of opinion with another lady in the Vennel and received the Bailie's best attention from the Bench, "and if I hadna to hear him preach a sermon as long as my leg besides confound him for a smooth-tongued, psalm-singin', bletherin' old idiot!

Ye took a receipt, then, doubtless, Stephen, and can produce it? Stephen. Indeed, I hadna time, an it like your honour; for nae sooner had I set doun the siller, and just as his honour, Sir Robert, that's gaen, drew it ill him to count it and write out the receipt, he was ta'en wi' the pains that removed him. "That was unlucky," said Sir John, after a pause.

"You forget, Blinders, that he was warping afore I was a dozen steps frae the door." "Ay, and that just proves he hadna burned the letter, for he hadna time. If he didna do it at the first impulse, he'll no do it now." Every little while the boys were sent along the road to look in at Aaron's end window and report.

"And you really want me to stay?" repeated Laura insistently, addressing Mrs. Mason. "Yo're welcome," was the stiff reply. "Nobbut yo'd been mair welcome if yo hadna brokken t' Sabbath to coom here. Mappen yo'll goa wi' Polly, an tak' your bonnet off." Laura hesitated a moment longer, bit her lip, and went. Polly Mason was a great talker.

Ye ken 'at I jist cudna du onything o' the sort! I'm jist ashamed to deny't! 'Hoo am I to ken? There's nae a wuman born but wad fain hae him til hersel! Kirsty held her peace for pity, thinking what she could say to convince her of Gordon's faithlessness. 'He didna say he hadna promised? resumed Phemy through her sobs. 'We camna upo' that. 'That's what I'm thinkin!

But I got the offer from Hatherwick's, and I was wantin' to get married, so filthy lucre won the day. And I'm no sorry I changed. If it hadna been for this war, I would have been makin' four figures with my salary and commissions ... My pipe's out. Have you one of those rare and valuable curiosities called a spunk, Mr McCaskie?

"God, but that fits into my other deductions fine!" cried Bisset. "I hadna thought of that. Just wait, sir, till you see how the case is going to hang together in a minute." "But how did Sir Reginald's body come to be lying near the door?" The philosopher seemed to be inspired afresh. "The man clearly meant to take it away and hide it somewhere that'll be just it!

Now, don't fret about this, or I shall wish I hadna told you;" for Christie looked very grave indeed. "We'll wait and see what Effie thinks," said she, sadly. "Well, you have her letter; and I'll come down to-night, if I can, and we'll talk it over. But, for any sake, dinna look so glum, as Aunt Elsie would say."