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She was a Menhennick, tho', from t'other side o' the Duchy a very proud family and didn't mean to dip the knee to nobody, and all the less because she'd demeaned hersel', to start with, by wedding a tailor. But Key Pinsent by all allowance was handsome as blazes, and well-informed up to a point that he read Shakespeare for the mere pleasure o't.

"Say that to the man," rejoined Aggie. "The wuman can haud aff o' hersel'." "Grizzie, I grant ye,'s mair nor a match for ony man; but ye're no sae lang i' the tongue, Aggie." "Think ye a lang tongue 's a lass's safety, Cosmo? I wad awe nane til 't! But what's ta'en ye the nicht,'at ye speyk to me sae? I ken no occasion."

But not the slightest motion of her hand lying in Alec's, indicated reluctance, as he led her into the shop, and right up to the wrathful man, saying: "Peter Whaup, here's a lassie 'at's 'maist frozen to deid wi' cauld. Will ye tak' her in and lat her stan' by your ingle-neuk, and warm hersel'?" "I'll do that, Alec. Come in by, my bairn. What ca' they ye?" "Annie Anderson." "Ow, ay!

'There's some that think she gaed aff wi' a beau, but they never said it twice to me. I kent Liz better than that. She could watch hersel'. 'Did you know him, the man you call her beau? inquired Gladys, with a slight blush. 'Ay, I kent him, said Teen, looking away over the landscape as if she suddenly found it of new and absorbing interest. 'And have you seen him since? 'Ay.

"'But all are very much like, I say; 'and you no want die old maid, no? "'I no care! and then she fling hersel roun on the chair and throw her arms roun me and cry and sob on my estomac. 'Ay, my Lukari! she cry when she can spik, I hate everybody! I am tire out to exista! I want to live! I am tire stay all alone! Oh, I want I no know what I want! Life is terreeblay thing, macheppa!

"It's a' lees frae heid to fiit, an' frae bert to skin." "Weel, it was plain to see she dwyned awa efter he gaed, an' never was hersel' again ye dinna deny that?" "It's a' havers," persisted Miss Horn, but in accents considerably softened.

We were most on us biding at a public-house in Holborn, where they did very well for us. Th' morning of taking our petition we had such a spread for breakfast as th' Queen hersel might ha' sitten down to. I suppose they thought we wanted putting in heart. There were mutton kidneys, and sausages, and broiled ham, and fried beef and onions; more like a dinner nor a breakfast.

"I've heard tell of Belle Lorrigan drivin' hell-whoopin' over the country with a team of bronks, but I kinda thought they was stretching the truth. I guess not, though, if that's a sample." "The woman hersel' is no so bad. 'Tis the men folk that are black wi' sin. Drinkin', swearin', gamblin' thieves they be, and 'tis well they should be taught a lesson." The Douglas head wagged self-righteously.

"Ay! an' what micht that be?" "But she's maybe a freen' o' yours, Mrs Findlay? Some fowk likes her, though I canna say I'm ane o' them." "Freen' o' mine!" exclaimed the Partaness. "I wadna wonner! for they tellt me 'at saw her fechtin' i' the High Street wi' a muckle loon, near han' as big 's hersel'! an' haith, but Meg had the best o' 't, an' flang him intil the gutter, an' maist fellt him!

Craven ordered Mrs. Medlock to get 'em in London. He said 'I won't have a child dressed in black wanderin' about like a lost soul, he said. 'It'd make the place sadder than it is. Put color on her. Mother she said she knew what he meant. Mother always knows what a body means. She doesn't hold with black hersel'." "I hate black things," said Mary.