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A keyhole's a most amazin' convenient thing by whiles, an' I was suppler in gettin' up aff my hunkers then than at the present time." "Silence, senseless woman!" said the session clerk.

I s' jist trail him aff o' the door, an' a bit on to the fire, for he'll be cauld whan he's quaitet doon, an' syne I'll awa' an' get word o' the shirra'. Scotlan's come till a pretty pass, whan they shot men wi' guns, as gien they war wull craturs to be peelt an' aiten. Care what set him!

"At least if it does she's nane the less willin' to be an unconscious aid, and put a flag at the window at the biddin' o' Olivia to keep the witches awa'. The same flag that keeps aff a witch may easily fetch a bogle.

Keep 'im aff me!" "An ould elephant! He shtrides like a school-house." "Bill's little mar' she was plum beat when she come in with Crawford's crowd." "Crawford's the hardest-ridin' cavalryman in the army. An' he don't use up a horse, neither much. They stay fresh when the others are most a-droppin'." "Finerty, will yeh moind that cow a yours?"

If you can shed light upon the darkness it indicates will you please do so, sending me what information you have. I shall hope to slip down to Boston occasionally and see you all. I was there a few hours on Monday, and saw William by chance. Burrill has reached England, and is very much pleased with Malvern. Give my love to your wife, whom I would be glad to hear sing once more. Your aff.

I'll speir at Mag, blunt oot, if she'll let me aff. Yes, I'll put it to her plain." "You're sure Jeanie would take you?" "Ay; oh, there's nae fear o' that." "But if Mag keeps you to your bargain?" "Weel, in that case there's nae harm done." "You are in a great hurry, Gavin?" "Ye may say that; but I want to be married.

Let Milnwood take my plaid and gown; I'll slip them aff in the dark corner, if he'll promise no to look about, and he may walk past Tam Halliday, who is half blind with his ale, and I can tell him a canny way to get out o' the Tower, and your leddyship will gang quietly to your ain room, and I'll row mysell in his grey cloak, and pit on his hat, and play the prisoner till the coast's clear, and then I'll cry in Tam Halliday, and gar him let me out."

I went ower to the tombstane that keeps the east wund aff him, an' he said to me, `Andry, man, said he, `I'll no' be able to crawl to see my mither the day. I'll vera likely be deid before she comes. Wull ye tell her no' to greet for me, for I'm restin' on the Lord Jesus, an' I'll be a free man afore night, singing the praises o' redeeming love, and waitin' for her to come?"

"'Mickey, says he, 'Mickey. "'Father, says I. "'Is it that way you salute your clargy, says he, 'with your caubeen on your head? "'Faix, says I, 'it's little ye mind whether it's an or aff; for you never take the trouble to say, "By your leave," or "Damn your soul!" or any other politeness when we meet.

But the like o' you, Laird, that's a real gentleman for sae mony hundred years, and never hunds puir fowk aff your grund as if they were mad tykes, nane o' our fowk wad stir your gear if ye had as mony capons as there's leaves on the trysting-tree. And now some o' ye maun lay down your watch, and tell me the very minute o' the hour the wean's born, an I'll spae its fortune.