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Sae young sae bonnie, an' a few months ago as blythe as a lark, an' now a clod o' the earth. Hout we maun all dee when our ain time comes; but, somehow, I canna' think that Jeanie ought to ha' gane sae sune." "Who is Jeanie Burns? Tell me, James, something about her." In compliance with my request, the man gave me the following story.

"Gie me up my bannet, ye whelp," said the coachman, angrily. "Cadies are no cadies to coachmen," answered Geordie, dryly; "your brains maun be far spent, man, when they canna keep a house ower their head." The coachman jumped down for his hat, and Geordie, applying the whip to the horses, was off in an instant. The coachman cried, "Stop the coach!"

A lintwhite was flying by them, and they gave chase. Either it's that or she made away with herself! I had a dream that might be read that way, too." When they came to White Farm it was to find there only Jenny and Menie and Merran. "Somebody maun stay to keep the house warm gin the lassie come stumbling hame, cauld and hungry and half doited!

Awa' wi ye, laddies, and dae something. Awa' you too, Dickson, or I'll tak' the road mysel'." "I've got orders," said the Chief of Staff, "no' to move till the sityation's clear. Napoleon's up at the Tower and Jaikie's in the policies. I maun wait on their reports." For a moment Mrs. Morran's attention was distracted by Dickson, who suddenly felt very faint and sat down heavily on a kitchen chair.

"Na, na," answered Donal; "he's been like that sin' ever I kenned him. I never h'ard word frae the moo' o' 'im." "He'll be ane o' the deif an' dumb," said Janet. "He's no deif, mither; that I ken weel; but dumb he maun be, I'm thinkin'. Cratur," he continued, stooping over the boy, "gien ye hear what I'm sayin', tak haud o' my nose."

Jeanie paused at the door of her lover's humble abode upon hearing the loud and pompous tones of Saddletree sounding from the inner apartment, "Credit me, it will be sae, Mr. Butler. Brandy cannot save her. She maun gang down the Bow wi' the lad in the pioted coat* at her heels. * The executioner, in livery of black or dark grey and silver, likened by low wit to a magpie.

"Removed!" she exclaimed; for that name never failed to produce its usual effect upon her; "then we maun a' follow a' maun ride when she is in the saddle. Tell them to let Lord Geraldin ken we're on before them. Bring my hood and scarf ye wadna hae me gang in the carriage wi' my leddy, and my hair in this fashion?"

For me, I know weel, it means a lump rising in my throat, and a bit o' moisture that's verra suspicious near my een, so that I maun wink fast, sometimes, that no one else may understand. I'm a great one for wearing kilts. I like the Scottish dress. It's the warmest, the maist sensible, way of dressing that I ken.

Ye see what put him on the wrang scent was a notion 'at I had put it some gait. He kent 'at if she'd hod it, the kitchen maun be the place, but he thocht she'd gi'en it to me to hod. He came upon't by accident. It was aneath the paddin' o' her chair." Here, I thought, was the end of the glove incident, but I was mistaken.

"News?" said the farmer, "bad eneugh news, I think; an we can carry through the yowes, it will be a' we can do; we maun e'en leave the lambs to the Black Dwarfs care." "The Black Dwarf!" said MY LEARNED FRIEND AND PATRON, Mr. Jedediah Cleishbotham, "and what sort of a personage may he be?" Jedediah Cleishbotham, seems to have interpolated upon the text of his deceased friend, Mr. Pattieson.