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"No, Fraulein, I wasn't taught to think so deeply at Jena." "Of course. Your teachers were men. Men and faith, eternal faith!" "Was Delilah, who betrayed Samson to the Philistines, a man or a woman?" asked Van Hout. "She was a woman. The exception, that proves the rule. Isn't that so, Maria?"

Life, fortune, all that is dear and precious and useful to man, we will resign for the highest of blessings." "Ay," said Van der Werff, loudly and earnestly, while Van Hout impetuously repeated: "Yes, yes, thrice yes." The three men, so united in feeling, grasped each other's hands firmly for a moment.

And that brings me to the essential: how does your business speed?" "Why," said I, "I was told only this morning that my testimony was accepted, and I was to travel to Inverary with the Advocate, no less." "Hout awa!" cried Stewart. "I'll never believe that." "I have maybe a suspicion of my own," says I, "but I would like fine to hear your reasons."

In fact, this lady was the only child of a sea captain and shipowner named Carolus van Hout, who, whilst still a middle-aged man, had died about a year before, leaving her heiress to a very considerable fortune.

The brave men knew that the surrender of the city might put an end to their distress, but wished to hold out for the sake of liberty and their religion, and endured their suffering as an inevitable misfortune. In the entry of the house Maria met Wilhelm's mother, and promised her she would consult with Frau Van Hout that very day, concerning the extortion practised by the market-men.

"Madame," said Monsieur Vignevielle, "wad pud you hout so hearly dis morning?" She told him her errand. She asked if he thought she would find anything. "Yez," he said, "it was possible a few lill' bécassines-de-mer, ou somezin' ligue. But fo' w'y you lill' gal lose doze hapetide?"

Then, after a pause, he inquired: "What ship?" "Golden State," muttered Donkin indistinctly, biting the tobacco. The nigger whistled low. "Ran?" he said curtly. Donkin nodded: one of his cheeks bulged out. "In course I ran," he mumbled. "They booted the life hout of one Dago chap on the passage 'ere, then started on me. I cleared hout 'ere. " "Left your dunnage behind?"

The next day after the meeting of the council, Burgomaster Van der Werff, Herr Van Hout, and a notary, attended by two constables, went to Nobelstrasse to set old Fraulein Van Hoogstraten's property in order. The fathers of the city had determined to seize the Glippers' abandoned dwellings and apply the property found in them to the benefit of the common cause.

It was a matter of course, after what Van Hout had said, that there should be a battle; it had not even been proposed by anybody, but the discussion that now arose proceeded from the supposition.

"Don't see none," replied the navvy who possessed the binoculars at that moment. "'Ave they any boats?" "One cleated down for'ard, one slung on the midship davits, and I think I make hout one on t'other side past the booby hatch." "And not a soul on deck?" "Not unless they're settin' on th' fur side o' th' superstructure."