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"I'll think it over, Gracious, and if my finances can be stretched to cover my railroad fare I'll be 'wid yez. But who will look after the Harlowites if I fold my tents like the Arabs and set sail for Oakdale?" "I don't know yet. Louise Sampson, perhaps. She is so capable and the girls not only like her but respect her as well. I must talk with her first.

"Did yez come in the barber's wagon?" asked a stupid Irish girl, looking at me curiously. I looked blank, and she repeated the question. "What does she mean?" I asked a more intelligent girl who was seated on a bundle in the corner. "Didn't yez come in Tony's wagon?" "No; who's Tony?"

"Lave the room, is it, miss? Widout maning anny disrespect to yez, I might as well be telling yez that I'm ready to lave the place intirely, an' so is the cook an' stableman, an' the gardener. Sure none av us having been used to the gintry want to sthay in a place where we do be getting talked at all day." The prospect of all her servants leaving simultaneously was too awful for Mrs.

And now, says he, 'bekase you wor so heavy-headed, I ordher it from this out, that the present night is to be obsarved in the Catholic church all over the world, an' must be kept holy; an' no thrue Catholic ever will miss from this pariod an opportunity of bein' awake at midnight, says he, 'glory be to God! An' now, good Christians, you have an account o' the blessed Carol I was singin' for yez.

Oi'll knock yer blank little head aff if Oi catch ye swearin' agin." "I don't care," stormed little Patsy, quite unafraid of his father when the other children fled. "It's that blank, blank Batcheese an' Tim there. They keep teasin' me an' Mayan all the time." "Let me catch yez, ye little divils!" shouted Carroll after the children, who had got off to a safe distance.

"What do you wish to say?" inquired the lady, seeing that Kitty hesitated to speak of what was on her mind. "Indade, mum," said Kitty, evincing much perplexity, "I hardly know what I ought to do. But yez were good to me, mum, when I was sick and didn't send me off to the poor house like some girls are sent; and I never can forget yez while there's breath in me body.

"And I want to let yez have it right off the bat that if you've been leading that little Mexican senorita into trouble you've got a quarrel on with Mike O'Halloran." "Keep your shirt on, old fire-eater. Who told you I was wronging her any?" "Are you married to her?" "You bet I ain't.

We boys will go home and get a pung and come back for you girls." But the girls wouldn't listen to this. They must go with us, even Cecily. "Seems to me yez weren't in such a hurry to leave last night," observed Peg sarcastically. "Oh, it's only because they'll be so anxious about us at home, and it's Sunday and we don't want to miss Sunday School," explained Felicity.

Willyum, yu're mother ought to be proud ov yez. Sure an' oi'll pay the rint: oi'd clane forgotten this was the day, but oi've some money by me, bhoy, an' yez can have it." She escorted him to the door after the rent had been paid over, patting him on the head, calling him a hero, and telling him that "the rint wud always be rady for the loikes ov him."

And he had the perspicacity to address himself to the Boy rather than to Jabe, thereby conciliating the Boy appreciably. "Let us go!" he petitioned, choking down his rage. "We'll swear to quit, right now an' fer good; an' not to try to git back at yez!" "Ye'll have to leave yer guns!" said Jabe sternly.