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'And it's meself that thinks the same, added Mickey, puffing away at his short black pipe. 'I don't understand it, as me father obsarved when they found fault with him for breaking another man's head. 'Ef we git into trouble, all we've got ta do is to back out, remarked Baldy, as a sort of apology for continuing his advance.

"Tom is right enough," put in Spike, rather coolly for the circumstances "that there schooner of yourn has foundered, Don Wan, as any one can see. She must have cap-sized and filled, for I obsarved they had left the hatches off, meaning, no doubt, to make an end of the storage as soon as they had done sleeping."

"`Miffy's lost! obsarved one o' my comrades as we got in among the bushes here an' prepared to fight it out. "`No great loss, remarked another. "`No fear o' Miffy, said Bounce, feelin' his nose tenderly, `he's a bad shillin', and bad shillin's always turn up, they say. "Bounce had barely finished when we heard another most awesome burst o' yellin' in the woods, followed by a deep roar.

"I submit to your suparior judgment," said the Irishman, deferentially, "and would suggist that the sooner the same quadruped is procured the better all round. I hope the thing won't be delayed, as me aunt obsarved when the joodge sintenced her husband to be hung."

"Not precisely that, though he said he would do the same if he only had it with him, but he run up agin a game at Juneau and was cleaned out. Whin he told me that I was a bit sorry for him. He further obsarved that it was his intintion if he won to stake me agin and add something extra for interest on what he borrowed of me.

"No doubt it is where father and the rest of them spent the first night after leaving home: that shows that we have made good progress, and, if no accident happens, we shall arrive on time." "There is no need of our hurryin', as I understood that a gintleman once obsarved whin they were goin' to hang him; if we are two or three days late in gettin' there, what's the odds?"

I obsarved the hole, for I had the daylight to help me, and I crawled up to take a paap down to see who lived there, when I must have gone too fur, as me uncle obsarved after he had been hung in a joke, and the ground crumbled beneath me, and I slid in. But let me ax you again, are ye much acquainted in these parts? You know I'm a stranger." "I never was here before.

Still, I have obsarved one thing, sir, that the man who takes his rest one day in seven, and freshens his mind, as it might be, with thinking of other matters than his every-day consarns, comes to his task with so much better will, when he does set about it, as to turn off greater profit than if he worked night and day, Sundays and all."

"I'll not do anything at all," he muttered; "I'll not interfere, where it's so difficult to decide upon me duty, as the owld lady obsarved when the bear got her husband down. I'll let 'em think I'm aslaap, and see what they'll do."

I've but little to say; but that little comes from long livin' among your people, and from havin' obsarved and noted their usages. The life of a woman is hard at the best, but I must own, though I'm not opinionated in favor of my own colour, that it is harder among the red men than it is among the pale-faces.