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As he got up, muttering vengeance on whatever had upset him, he went to the door to look out. There was not a person in sight. "It must have been that pesky Bob Henderson!" he exclaimed. "He's always yellin' an' shoutin'." He turned back into the store, rubbing his shins. As he did so he uttered an exclamation of dismay.

The most distant herd had been driven in by Snake and Yellin' Kid the herd on which the raid had been made. Like black specks on the green floor of the valley were the cattle, dotted here and there. "If we have luck this season we ought to round up a good bunch this fall," observed Bud, as he rode with his cousins. "Yes," agreed Nort.

"So Del Pinzo is on the rampage again; is he?" asked the Captain, as they neared the lone scout, who was patiently waiting to impart such information as he had. "Well, he won't rampage an awful lot until he gets a new outfit!" chuckled Yellin' Kid, who had ridden up to be on hand when the scout was reached. "What do you mean? Did you shoot him up?" asked the cavalry captain.

"Stop your yellin'!" he ordered. "What ails you fellers? Think you can prove it better by screechin'? They can hear you half a mile. There's Cornelius Rowe standin' gawpin' on the other side of the street this minute. He thinks there's a fire or a riot, one or t'other. Let's change the subject.

You see town meetin' being so all tore up every year 'bout taxes, Eben he thought 'twould be a chance to hear how other folks did, and maybe learn somethin'. Good land, Abby, I've set there and 'most died, trying to keep from yellin' right out with laugh to see our folks tryin' to learn somethin' 'bout foreign parts from that woman that's traveled in 'em steady for five years.

Ruth Fielding gave no sign of fearing the bearded man with the gun under his arm. She stood her ground as he approached her. "How many air there of ye, Sissy?" he wanted to know. "And air ye all loose from some bat factory? That other one's crazy as all git out." "Oh, did you see her?" "If ye mean that Whosis that's wanderin' around yellin' like a cat-o'-mountain " "Oh, dear!

All of a suddent Buck he jumps up an' makes a dash an' a leap at the spook, an' there's a terrible yellin' an' they both comes down crash at the foot of a rock pile, rollin' on the little pebbles; but Buck is on top an' the spook underneath an' lettin' off the most awful screeches.

"Say!" began Bud eagerly, and then he stopped, as if he had thought better. "What's the matter?" asked Nort. "Don't you know somebody who rides just like that?" Bud inquired. "Some one we all know?" Nort and Dick uttered exclamations. Bud's words were all that was needed to set in motion a slumbering train of thought. "Looks to me like he was hurt," affirmed Yellin' Kid.

"It may be I rather hope so, for we haven't had any luck thus far in locating the beggars. When we sighted you we thought we were in for a fight, but it didn't happen," the captain added, his voice quite rueful. "I notice you came along all primed for business!" chuckled Yellin' Kid. "But we were ready for you in case you had turned out to be those Mexican imps!" added Rolling Stone.

I hope the good lady didn't hear, but my friends tell me I talk as if I were yellin' through a megaphone, so I'm afraid she got the news." "What did you do?" I gasped. "Do? I jumped up as if I'd been shot, and trotted over to ask you to dance. But I expect it will get about." Now I knew why Lady Turnour had glared. Poor woman! I was really sorry for her on this, her happy night!