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It was still snowing and terribly cold. They pulled the hoods of their fur coats close about their faces and scrambled out on the ice. "I guess the ship was closer to the earth when we fell than we thought," said Mark. "I suppose we had better hunt around for the Monarch," observed Jack. "It can't be a great way off, for Professor Henderson was bringing it down and the propeller was not moving."

"'Tain't a bit o' trouble," said Grandma cheerfully, pulling at the second hook, which she had been trying for some time to get into the first eye; "you set down, Mis' Henderson, an' I'll be out pretty soon." "I must go very soon."

So, Hite, then a colonel in the Continental army, applied for and received from the State of Virginia this same land he had purchased under the old Henderson grant, and sixty acres adjoining. His title, therefore, was made doubly secure, and he seems to have been little troubled, as so many others were, by rival claimants.

"I 'lows all men has their faults, but Will Henderson ain't no sort of bokay of virtues. He's a drunken bum anyway." "An' he knocks her about," added Pretty, with a snap. "But he's pilin' up the dollars for her," Jane urged, still lost in serious contemplation of the fabulous sums her simple mind attributed to Eve's fortune. But Pretty Wilkes had no sympathy with such excuses.

Judith and Henderson were leading the last figure, their hands clasped high in an arch through which the dancers trooped in couples. Again and again he tried to catch Judith’s eye, but her glance never once met his. Her great, wide eyes had a far-away look as if they saw some tragedy, the shadow of which would never fall from her.

"I think we're in bad," returned his chum, gripping his rifle nervously. "Quite remarkable! quite remarkable!" repeated Professor Henderson. "Back to that bunch o' rocks!" shouted Andy Sudds, who had taken in the strategic advantages of a position they had just passed, at a glance. All saw the wisdom of the old hunter's suggestion. They hurried to the group of boulders.

But when Governor Henderson Walker died, Sir Nathaniel Johnson, then Governor of North and South Carolina, sent Major Robert Daniel from South Carolina to take Walker's place as Deputy Governor of the Northern Colony. Daniel was an ardent member of the Church of England, and was strongly desirous of establishing this church in Carolina by law.

"Come, then," said Henderson, "let us go and hear what Nicholls has to say upon the matter." And he led the way up to the parapet once more.

In the Woodburn house she was uncomfortable because of the silence and the hurt, offended look on her aunt's face, but she did not spend much time there. In the morning Henderson Woodburn ate his breakfast alone at seven, and clutching his ever present portfolio of papers, was driven off to the plow factory. Clara and her aunt had a silent breakfast at eight, and then Clara also hurried away.

Is that Sarah that I left in her bed of typhus faver this night? Or, am I in a dhrame still, I say? Sarah, is it you? Spake." "It is me, father; help me home. It will be your last throuble with me, I think at laste, I hope so oh, I hope so!" "Who talks about typhus fever?" asked Henderson, starting out of the chaise with alarm. "What means this? Explain yourself."