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He went by the name o' 'Tough' McCulloch." Tresler started. But Arizona was still staring out at the distant prairie, and the movement escaped him. "Guess he'd bin around the shack a heap," he went on, "an' the day 'fore I got back the two of 'em had drove out wi' the buckboard loaded, takin' the trail fer the hills. I put after 'em, but never found a trace. I 'lows the feller had guts.

You are evidently the p'oper pusson, as I reco'nize this as my own chirography." The up-country boy stood in awed silence. He thought he had never heard such fine language before. "I ca'culate that you have nevah had no experience in hotel work," pursued Mr. Buckner somewhat more graciously. "I's nevah done nuffin' but wo'k on a farm; but evahbody 'lows I's right handy."

"An' so sence I'm ther comet amongst them numerous small stars," she observed with an even voice, though her pulse beat was far from regular, "ye 'lows thet I'd ought ter belong ter you?" He ignored the teasing brightness of her eyes; a light of defensive disguise. "I 'lows thet hevin' oncet seed ye, an' loved ye, I hain't nuver goin' ter be satisfied with no lesser star."

The white people are patient, but there is a limit to their endurance." "Dat's w'at I tells dese young niggers," groaned Mammy Jane, with a portentous shake of her turbaned head, "w'en I hears 'em gwine on wid deir foolishniss; but dey don' min' me. Dey 'lows dey knows mo' d'n I does, 'ca'se dey be'n l'arnt ter look in a book.

"Guess I ain't familiar wi' Jurassics an' Eocenes," Arizona replied gravely. "Mebbe that was before my time; but ef you're speakin' o' them fellers as clumped each other over the head wi' stone clubs, I 'lows they had more savee than a Noo Yorker, ef they wus kind o' primitive in the'r habits." Tresler accepted the argument in the spirit in which it was put forward. It was no use getting angry.

"Ho, Bob. Busy tonight?" "Ain't rushed. Anything blowing in the wind?" "A little fun, that's all." "Then let her blow my way. Steve, here, 'lows he's gettin' so old that he don't care for fun any more, but I have to have it bread and blackberry jam to me." "Well, you shall have it. How are the boys, the White Caps?" "Finer'n silk split three times." "Can you call them together for tonight?"

She was a pretty crittur, sleek as an antelope fawn; I 'lows her pelt was nigh as smooth an' soft. Her eyes were as black an' big as a moose calf's, an' her hair was as fine as black fox fur.

"'Tain't nobody else dead, yit, as I knows on, but my two cousins is turrible low; one's got a hemrage on de lung an' de yuther's got a congestin' on de brain, an' I 'lows dey'll bofe drap off 'twix' now an' sun-up to-morra." Her eyes rolled around and happened to light on her corset. She at once returned to her grievance. "An' sposin' I hadn't 'av' came in here when I did?

Dat ole Grammont, he got to git he gab in ef he gwine die fu’ it,” interrupted Aunt Belindy. “Grégor say ‘I don’t ’lows to kiarr no conceal’ weepons,’ an he draw nudda pistol slow out o’ he udda pocket an’ lay et on de table. By dat time he gittin’ all de money, he crammin’ de money in he pocket; an’ dem fellas dey gits up one arta d’udda kine o’ shy-like, an’ sneaks out.

I see the children playing about, delighted with the sport and the resumption of work; the smoke goes up through the shining haze; the farmhouse door stands open, and lets in the afternoon sun; the cow lows for her calf, or hides it in the woods; and in the morning the geese, sporting in the spring-sun, answer the call of the wild flock steering northward above them.