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By evening these Indian horsemen were linked up with the 4th Australian Light Horse Brigade on their right and the 52nd Division on their left, and pursued the enemy as far as Tumrah and Deir Sineid.

T'-morrow mawnin' come, he's outer it." Her voice rose into a minor cadence, almost a chant. "Chile, it's a dahk shadder on all de Deans dey all mahked wid dat frown on deir foreheads, an' dey all got dahk hours come to um. Marse Wes's maw she fade out an' die caze she cain' stan' no such. His grammaw, she leave his grampaw. An' so on back.

For a full account of this temple, its decoration, and the expedition of Hatshepsût, see the Deir el Baharî publications of the Egypt Exploration Fund. The Egyptians regarded man as composed of various different entities, each having its separate life and functions.

I have such a Nice Pony, with such a long tale. So no more at present from your affectionate brother, SIDNEY MORTON." Oct. 8, 18 "Pray, pray don't come after me Any more. You know I neerly died of it, but for this deir good gentleman I am with." So this, then, was the crowning reward of all his sufferings and all his love!

To bring up supplies we could only rely on road traffic from Gaza and Deir Sineid, and the light soil had become hopelessly cut up during the rains.

When the famous Hatshepsut, after the return of her expedition to Punt in the ninth year of her young consort Thothmes III, decided to build her temple at Deir el-Bahari in the necropolis of Western Thebes, she sought to emphasize her claim to the throne of Egypt by recording her own divine origin upon its walls.

Our line at the time ran from north of Jaffa, through El Yehudiyeh, Deir Tureif, and Beit Ur El Tahta to Nebi Samwil, where it was swung back almost to Saris, and the enemy threw all his reserves from Damascus against it in a last attempt to save Jerusalem.

"Massa Keene," protested the negro, "it not right dat young gentleum should call deir faithful servant a `black willain' after him hab work hard to make um conf'ble and keep um bert' tidy aboard dat dirty old Shark. Mos' ungrateful to call black gentleum a willain after all dat I has done for you. You has hurt my feelin's, sah!" "Have I?" said Jack.

"But de people of Tuckyhoe Refuse to button deir warts, Unless dey's paid a salary For practisin' of sech arts; Like de militia sogers, Dat runs to buttons an' pay, De folks is truly shifless, On Tuckyhoe side of de bay."

Princess Nesikhonsû had beside her, in the vault at Deir el Baharî, some glass goblets of similar work. The national glass works were therefore in full operation during the time of the great Theban dynasties. Huge piles of scoriae mixed with slag yet mark the spot where their furnaces were stationed at Tell el Amarna, the Ramesseum, at El Kab, and at the Tell of Eshmûneyn.